Thursday 17 October 2024

#BlogLife776 - I can't afford to dream..

I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but I think the reason the brow strips are more effective, a tiny bit more at least is because I'm not as afraid to place it right under the eyebrow, so it can catch more stray hairs.

I was watching some old Youtubey foodie videos and some were dated back to Corona times, when people walked in and there was hand sanitisers at the front.

And I just remember each time I saw them and laughed and thought I'm not touching that, everyone's germy hands has been on it, yuck lol.

Moving on, that just popped into my head randomly. I don't know if there will be enough material to post today but we shall see what my brain comes up with.

I've just done a grocery shop for tomorrow and quite enjoying Iceland's pound range, particularly the creamy chicken bakes, 2x£1 and a decent size also.

Plus I'm still occasionally munching those mini mini potato pops, just buttery roast potatoes but somehow delicious.

T checked up on me today, said he missed our chats, he's away on a break.

He seems well rounded and sociable so I'm not sure why he stays in touch with an introvert.

He kinda tried to be a bit flirty but I'm not in the mood for that, so shut that down quickly.

Oh that's what I wanted to comment, there's still no sign of the Postie and it's been a few days.

I have a weekish until the deadline, to post it all, I mean it has to get there before the 1st November and that seemed ages away.

Hopefully next week it will arrive, no sign of anymore appointments this week, so I can relax-ish I guess.

I'm just curious how much money I have to set aside for bills and rent and food.

Officially the rent isn't due until next week, I don't want to get too behind on it.

Oh the other thing was, I finally finished my period, yeesh, still feel a bit crampy, but the bloatedness is gone as is the nausea.

About time too!!

I wasn't really sure what to buy to stretch out the meals so decided on some chicken fillets and wholemeal rolls and I'll make chicken burgers.

I wanted to get a sauce but I usually end up wasting those and binning them and I'm trying to only buy things, I know I will definitely use.

I have to budget even more carefully. I miss the days of walking into a shop and buying lil things, without worrying.

I'm not looking forward to being in masses of debt and being really really broke.

Oh another thing I was going to buy was a winter coat, my one has a tear but I guess that's not essential.

I should do my protein tablet for my lenses tonight, I still miss having 2 lenses but the Optician is being a pain in the ass.

Another update is that using the Badedas shampoo and the Vatika conditioner together is the perfect blend.

And the Vatika hair oils, I just realised, now it's been a few months, maybe, my scalp is way more softer.

My hair is silkier, it still gets greasy but it's less itchy, less dry and more hydrated.

It's just that these are premium products now, I'm not sure I can afford them anymore.

I would have eventually replaced the face brush, it just doesn't spin like it used too anymore.