Oh good gravy. What a day. I wasn't going to blog but madness surrounds me and the problems continue to climb so I need to share before I burst or go completely insane.
First off, the wifi keeps disconnecting and it's been like that for a few days and then it just completely disconnected and would not establish wifi for ages.
Well it was probably only about 10 minutes but normally it fixes itself.
It turns out the router jumped off the ledge and had enough. I found it on the floor, in tact but the wire had come out.
I plugged that in, switched it on and boom, I'm online again. Ok that doesn't seem that dramatic.
Next, the water from the sink wasn't draining as usual, it's blocked so I remembered the home remedy.
Shampoo, washing up liquid or hand soap to unclog it naturally. I literally dumped a whole bottle with some hot water and I hope that fixes it.
If not I don't think I can shower tomorrow. Oh it turns out, Mama waited until the last second to inform me, that her friend has been having car issues and cannot collect me.
I frantically called the taxi service and for £26.50 it can take me to her.
I'm not really happy to be scrambling tomorrow to get ready, when I could have been more organised, had she told me, prior, when she knew the circumstances.
I have no energy but I'll wake up early and hopefully remember to pack everything.
Let me just remind myself of what that is, so it sticks in my head, the spicy chicken sausages from the freezer and the koftas.
The electric toothbrush which isn't fully charged, mud mask, face wash, moisturiser.
Contact lens case, charger, laptop, mobiles, their charger. Clothes, nightie.
The Ferrero choccies and maybe the shortbread if there is room and the earbuds.
Oh and my passport, if by some fluke EE offers me a decent cheap deal and the Samsung A15 I think it was, the handset I am after.
I'm going to get that now and pop it in my bag. It has been a rough year, when are the joys coming?
I might as well wish you all the best for a relaxing and glorious Christmas or holiday break.
Again I don't know if I will feel like blogging, talking or writing. I have felt so burdened with life.
It will feel good to get away. All the chores and responsibilities are done for the moment.
I can probably get away with not washing my hair. The sink is still draining, I guess tomorrow I'll see how it is.
Makeup and lip balm is probably the only two items left. I knew I was forgetting something, pads as ugh I am still on.
My arm is still tender but my back is a lot better, the heat on the blankie really helped, it kicked itself on high eventually, that was a lot better for the healing.
Oh one last thing for the Christmas wishlist, I will eventually get a new makeup bag, as I think something spilled or wasn't screwed on properly and it's sticky, icky.
Did I mention the powder I bought cracked? I was disappointed in that, I can still use it, but it's a lil awkward.
I'll miss sharing with you but I may put on some classic old posts if I don't put any new content out.
I think the hardest thing is guilt. I know that stepping away is a good thing.
It helps me to release the anxieties and frustrations but I seem to counter that with disappointment in myself, that I'm not productive all the time.
As someone who experiences physical and emotional pain, most of the time..
I'm torn with doing the responsible thing, writing and being what I term irresponsible, which is resting and taking care of myself.
I'm trying to have a healthy balance but I think the problem is that I keep hearing people's opinions of me which was lazy, lazy, lazy.
It makes me want to quieten them and prove myself as someone hardworking and dedicated.
But on the flip side, if I push myself too much, which I have been doing, I burn out and shut down.
I'm not sure how to appease myself. I'll just take it day by day, night by night and only if I really feel like it, will I write,
Or I might do last year's thing and write and save it in drafts and not bother with editing and take the pressure off.
I hope I'll get my writing confidence back and switch off the negativity.
Let's end with something positive..
I believe in myself and my capabilities.
I can create cute funny entertaining shortish stories.
I can inspire myself and others.
I'm proud of myself for the gradual but continued weight loss and the healthyish journey that keeps progressing.
Even though life is hard and the pains are seemingly unbearable and I frequently want to throw my hands in the air.. I persist and try to figure out how to survive.
Even when I don't want too, I write and open up about the most harrowing, deeply personal details of my life on here and that takes courage.
I've thought about quitting. I've let my self esteem plummet and the depression has taken over a number of times.. But somehow I get myself through it and stand tall.
I've grown and matured and I no longer settle for miniscule crumbs of niceties, time and respect from my friendships/acquaintanceships, I know my value and I deserve better than indifference and heartlessness!
I deserve love and affection and although I've never really experienced it and may never, my comfort is knowing that I'm enough, I can rely on myself and that stops me from being lonely.
It's weird but because I'm creative, there is always stories trying to unfold. It's a million odd conversations bursting to get out.
It's not someone trying to use me or hurt me or damage my ego. It's just playful stories in my mind.
It's odd but I re-read my stories and posts a lot when I'm trying to get inspired or tap into a particular feeling and it does help.
Happy New Year!
I guess the point of all this is to say, for a very long time I hated myself and my personality.
There was just a bad audience, wherever I went and it took me a long, long, long time to work out why and explore those painful memories to better understand myself.
I'm still piecing things together and I have flaws like everyone else and that's normal.
But there are layers and layers of cruel comments that I grew up with and was surrounded by.
All judgements from parents, cousins, friends, acquaintances, guys I dated....
It's like I had to dismantle them one by one. Parents and cousins, I guess thought they were inspiring me to be better.
But I felt worse.
Friends, acquaintances and dates, set out to make me feel bad and it worked, I did.
I cut people out lil by lil but the damage was done. I couldn't distance myself from my family, that would have helped.
Everyone else though, I could break contact with but back then, I think I felt I deserved the hate, so I let them treat me badly.
I accepted the dysfunction. I'm not better. I'm not cured of the insecurities.
But it helped to disappear and say Goodbye to a great many people.
I don't care if they've matured. When you continually keep kicking someone when they are down, that is on you.
No-one is forcing you to do that, just to make yourself feel good and pretend you're perfect.
I am still and will continue to be a work in progress.
I like me, I love me. I'm different. I'm quirky. Gone are the days, when I'm trying to compete or be noticed or accepted.
I just don't care.
I was always good enough exactly as I was. Everyone including me, dismissed my potential to flourish beautifully.
I never believed I would but I did. It just took longer than I thought.
I'm going to keep being my own person but I'm going to embrace positive improvements.
Like trying to be more patient and open. I also have to find a way to persevere with the fiction.
To unlock my mind regularly and believe that it's good enough to be read over and over again by someone other than me. Ha!
Night night :)
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D