Wednesday, 12 February 2025

#BlogLife829 - Beauty galore, when Postie delivers..

Song of the day - Faith Evans - Love Like This

There are 2 versions of this song, both are fabulous, the first just has all the lyrics but I added them both as the Fatman Scoop one is really catchy.

I keep downloading this song and it keeps disappearing from my phone.

Well it's slow going. I'm still patiently or impatiently more likely waiting for the tape measure, the 2x body butters, a perfume roll on mini and 2x face washes.

Yesterday was fun with the Looney Tunes glitch, where everyone nearly maxed or did max the new taz toon.

I almost got there but the most you usually achieve is 4 or 5 stars not 7.7.

Serves them right, robbing us free players of the new battlepass marvin dono toon, Scopely's answer was to purchase it, pfft, I don't pay for games!

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday I just felt a bit rough and couldn't concentrate, with all day cramps/nausea.

I took a sick day I guess and finished the one season of an old show Ambitions, it was really good.

It's a shame it didn't last, all the back stabbing, cheating, romance, corruption..

I guess in the end I was rooting for two couples to make it, Stephanie and Greg, both baddies but they suited each other and her sister in law who was a good person but insecure.

It ended on a cliffhanger so there were probably a few more demises.

The Detail was also a great cop show that ended prematurely. They love airing crap but the good stuff get's cancelled, grr.

I hoped for a good sleep last night but I was up for most of it and then when I finally drifted off in the early hours, the bloody neighbours woke me up.

I think a few or half the items should come today. The Fixderma vitamin c face wash £5 is due, plus the Beautizone order.

Which is the Astral moisturiser £5.49, The American Dream dark amber body butter and the golden dusk one, both £7.49 each.

It's just after 2pmish and at least the Beautizone order arrived, not sure where the regular Postie is with the face wash and the rest of the stuff.

The Astral cream smells perfumey and looks quite thick and big for a 200ml tub.

The body butters 500ml, smell divine like candles, one is more intoxicating than the other, it's too dark to see the names properly though.

And I'm not opening them until the other ones are finished.

Ha, funny, the regular Postie just turned up smiling, with the Al Rehab Sabaya perfume oil, 6ml for £3.18, I only got the sample size, in case I didn't like it.

Does seem to smell nice though, I can't apply it as I have mist on already.

I wasn't sure which one to get but the Sabaya seemed insanely popular with the citrus and floral notes.

I'm not going to open the Fixderma face wash either, I hope it smells citrusy.

I think I'm stocking up in case I struggle to afford these things later on.

When I've tried these products a few times, then I can do some beauty reviews.

I just like charting when they arrive and when I start using them, to see if they last ages and are good value for money.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D