I thought I was getting to be a bit of a pro on the penpalling front but over the last few months I have managed to lose them all.
I do take partial responsibility because I suspect when I returned and replied from being away I suspected they were a bit put off by it.
Prior to that my replies were pretty frequent within a couple of days. I would just share whatever was happening in my life, well some of it anyway.
The initial backlash was non existent after I explained that my life is very stressful and to truly relax I need to take a break from everyone and be selfish for a fortnight.
At first they appeared to understand but now it is evident that they clearly do not.
There was another penpal that found me but although it seemed good on the surface something didn't quite gel.
At least he had the curtsy of leaving me a nice message with the excuse of being too tied up with work to reply further.
If that was truly the case though, he would not have sought me out in the first place but closure is always welcome.
A few requests are still trickling in every now and then but most of them are just not appropriate.
I don't mind giving it a break for now but in the next few months it would be nice to have someone new and refreshing corresponding with me with good conversational skills.
Hopefully not looking to me to fill up their time.