Tuesday 21 May 2024

#BlogLife691 - Reverting back to a foodie?

I've unpacked the groceries and decided to try some new drinks. 

Last time I got a substitution I think it was Don Simon, a still citrus drink which is really sickly sweet and tasted of artificial sweeteners, I didn't like it.

But the same brand has a sparkling lemonade with raspberry and the other was lime, 330ml and was only 50p each!!

Now that is lovely and hydrating. The right blend and tastes more natural, not bitter or too sweet, that I recommend highly, great price also.

The lime one had that same artificial sweetness about it, not keen, will stick to the raspberry one.

The temperature has dropped a lot and it's freezing which I love because me and blankie are reunited.

I finally remembered to get some new Yoga-ish stretch pants as my other one is so baggy that it is practically falling off me.

It's still strange buying clothes in smaller sizes. I saw a nice purple one for a tenner with free postage.

The other is in black and looks thicker, I love the wide leg style. It's £12 with £3 postage ouch but still reasonable.

Originally it was £28 woop, lots of savings there, they both should fit, but sizing is always iffy.

The purple spare slippers are on the way, probably Monday or Tuesday.

I decided to do a cleaning jag today, party music in my ears and changed the sheet and duvet, oof exhausting.

But it's lovely bright colours, a plum sheet which is surprisingly thick and good quality and a red adorable duvet with lil slogans, like do not disturb, don't wake me up ha.

Last thing left is to just mop the floors. I'm going to eat first and then do it so I'm not walking all over them and they have a chance to dry off properly in the sunshine.

The slippers came yesterday and it's now nearly 3pm and no sign of the boiler guy.

I usually like to eat after they come and go and typically they arrive early in the morning but the appointment is 8-6pm grr.

They could be here at anytime so I just went ahead and made the egg rotis and had a delicious nap.

I didn't even hear the Postie either. Could they have forgotten about my appointment?

Three more hours to wait I guess. I don't think I would have missed the buzzer, it's pretty loud.

Next time I will check my phone, they text when you're the next customer to be seen.

I could have slept more, oh well.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D