Thursday, 23 August 2018

Shopoholics dream

I was excitedly called up and told to check this website out that had just arrived in their inbox or spam folder. 

I can't recall which as it seemed too good to be true and I normally route out independant reviews and check it out thoroughly before deciding yay or nay. 

It seemed like an Ebay/Amazon rival with a multitude of international sellers under one site but with the exception of offering free delivery. 

(I think the free delivery has stopped now but I get email offers).

I am always weary about any tax associated with purchasing overseas but I have done it a few times and aside from it being holed up in customs for about a fortnight. 

I've not experienced having to fork out additional payments. I have done some reading and I think it depends on the price and weight but I'm not entirely sure and the things I have bought are very low key and reasonable so I am probably skating under the radar.

Every time I check out the website it seems to have a flash sale so I think it's a marketing ploy and a very good one for new customers. 

However the prices are already such a bargain that you can scoop up quite a few items for under ten pounds. 

My list consisted of sunglasses, essential oils, lip glosses, lip oils all for under £2 each. 

It seems to sell a little of everything with clothes, beauty, footwear and bags all listed. 

The best part is that they accept Paypal so you are completely covered so that if anything untoward happens I assume you'll be refunded.

I was saving the best for last. The website is called I don't have any ties with them apart from using it to grab some deals and receiving part of my order early. 

They predict a fortnight but it came in half the time. Plus you can track it on the website too. 

I'm impressed with the quality but as always, do compare prices and get the best offer. If anyone already uses it or has checked it out, let me know what you think?

Monday, 13 August 2018

Are men taught how to be creepy?

No, seriously. This is a legitimate question! I actually had a pleasant day aside from leaving my cosy bed to get ready to meet my mum for a very belated dual birthday pampering treat and that all went swimmingly.

No queues. Luxury pedicures and for me an eyebrow shape. We stop off afterwards to our cafe and have a quick sandwich. 

I was extremely naughty and ordered a strawberry milkshake to settle my stomach and for the cravings and we relaxed and talked and it was all wonderful.

We part company and she leaves, I climb on the bus and depart and then boom, some guy says I'm a friend of so and so, are you..? 

Inwardly I really wanted to lie and say no because I was tired but I found myself hesitantly saying yes and then the barrage of personal questions began. 

Do you live around here? Do you live alone? Do you live with your parents? It was one stop closer to identity theft. 

I just had to make my excuses and leave at that point. I felt I had done the polite thing by half smiling and stopping to make idle chit chat. 

Here is where it gives even creepier. As I part, he walks along side me and I move to cross the street and then he backtracks and walks the other way. 

Creepy Creepy Creepy! If you must hassle a woman and I don't advise it. Keep it short and harmless.

I know men are taught to be persistent (at least the ones that corner me) but they should be taught, how to read signals. As in cease and desist. 

There is no part of me that is engaged in this conversation voluntarily. Try not to encroach on a woman's peace, we have so little of it.

Relentlessness is not flattering. It is not a compliment or a statement of your personal appeal. At the worst, it's frightening but generally it is aggravating and bothersome.