Sunday 13 September 2020

Amateur essential oil enthusiast

I'm having another beauty weekend and feeling like I need a little tlc. Although I just finished my period and it was mild. Few cramps, slight nausea. Even the cravings weren't too bad. I snacked a lot while I was away so I'm cutting back now I am back home.

My cough is getting better day by day and it got me thinking about home remedies. I was so naive when I got my diffuser years ago, thinking it was going to blow hot mist and that fragrance oils were the same as essential oils. They most certainly are not. Only essential oils give you the benefits, fragrance I should have known are just pleasant artificial scents and that is their sole purpose.

I had different needs and did some reading about the benefits and bought a variety of each with some lovely discounts on Ebay and Amazon. Nowadays I tend to only use the peppermint for preventing wasps. Although I am experimenting with the strongly scented cedarwood for my dry itchy scalp. The lemon I sprinkle on my pillow to help with the cough and it is working wonders.

My face became extremely dry and  I have some mystery scars so I have gone back to using a moisturiser and my faithful cheap face brush. My skin is soft and glowing and it looks as though I have had an expensive deep cleansing facial but it is not completely smooth yet so I will continue on until it is.

I have not tried some of these methods yet but apparently pettigram/cedarwood or bergamot helps you to sleep. Individually that is, not blended all together. 

Clary sage is supposed to help with mood swings and geranium and cypress help with pmt. I have tried them out and sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.

If you are buying oils online, make sure to read the reviews as I have purchased diluted oils with poor strength so now I buy only from suppliers I have used before with excellent results.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D