Sunday 13 September 2020

About me and my blog (100th post)

In my introduction I stated I was going to be purposely vague about my personal details and I still aim to do that. However now that I feel more established and comfortable. 

I'm considering sharing a little more. Things you know about me from reading my blog. I'm female and in my forties. I live alone. I'm single with no kids. I have one parent alive. 

I live in the United Kingdom. I have suffered from intense health conditions since I was a teenager. I also experience ptsd, panic attacks and periods of time where my mood is not ideal.

I am a loner with a very small social circle. I have trust issues but once true friendship is built, I am loyal and loving. I grew up in a very hostile and disrespectful household. 

I have struggled with weight issues all my life. I don't date due to numerous reasons including health/trust/past history issues. 

I've drafted two fiction books on wattpad. The first is drawing to a close and is about a mystery woman and I see it as an action/comedy/romance. 

Well I'm not sure if it is amusing but it makes me smile. The second only has one chapter and is about an independent woman struggling to commit to a man that adores her but has not fully disclosed all aspects of his life to her.

My favourite foods are pasta and toasties. I can't cook lavishly and keep it simple in the kitchen and prefer snacks as meals anyway. Dessert wise I am partial to jam and cream doughnuts.

I'm currently watching General Hospital, Muppets Now and have just discovered an old show called Little Mosque on The Prairie which is cute. 

The new season of Lucifer is here but I can't seem to get into it. I wonder if his character was always meant to be played so campily? 

Also L.A Finest has a new season and I couldn't get past the first few minutes. I finally realised what was missing from the show. 

The comradery is lacking. I don't care about the characters or how they interact and so I am completed unmoved by it.

I love writing whether it is penpalling, fiction or blogging. I love music and always listen to it in the background. I love asmr and have playlists tailored to my mood.

I got into blogging to express myself and find it to be my best platform. I have written happy, sad, angry and silly posts but my favourite are my ranty posts. 

These make me chuckle after the anger fades just by rereading and editing them because all the emotion is gone and I feel satisfied with my post.

I have penned quite a few emotional posts with fatal conclusions because that was my state of mind at the time. I was going through something which I couldn't see any future sprouting from. 

At the time writing was the last thing on my mind and I couldn't form any words so had to wait until I was in a better place so I had the clarity to get it out.

It was deeply personal and not something I could share with people I knew so this was a healthy outlet and something I always wanted to purge from my insides. 

It lingered in the back of my mind for too long and I was so proud of how it came out.

I'm not technical so I have had to change the theme quite a few times so that everything displays correctly and looks pleasing to the eye but I am not completely happy so from time to time I will still change it up.

I avoided linking to my blog through social media because I wanted to stay obscure but recently I took the plunge and set up a new twitter account with a link to my wattpad story and this site and although it was a big step for me. 

I have seen a small increase in traffic and I can just put any small details I need to on twitter inbetween publishing posts.

Just out of interest these are my most read posts :- 

Anything else you are curious about, just ask.. 

I forgot to mention more on why this blog lacks photography and will probably never include it.

My eyesight is very poor. I'm extremely short sighted with a high prescription. Not only does my hand shake when trying to take pictures but when I finally manage it, to me they look good but uploaded to my laptop they are unclear and slightly blurred. 

This is why I want a stunning theme. It will add overall beauty, charm and warmth from the onset for faithful and new readers alike.  

I assume most people flock to the blogs with vivid imagery but I'm not a fan myself. Too slow to load.

I'm going to think positively that although it may look bland to some, the intriguing content will draw people in and keep them. 


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D