Mama opened her gift, well one of them and it was the Green and Blacks mini selection, it's double layered which is good as they are very small.
But the one we tasted almond milk chocolate I think, was delicious, very good quality chocolate.
There are loads left, ginger, butterscotch and hazelnut selections.
Out of all of them, the butterscotch we hated and the ginger I wasn't keen on, we preferred the nutty ones, wish there were more of those included.
It was well worth the money so I'm glad I chose it. I'm not too happy at the moment as I'm run down, still on and now have the sniffles.
I didn't sleep well last night and my throat is hurting. The pain is just getting worse, suddenly my ribs are hurting and I can't get in a comfy position.
I don't want to do anything but lay down but I'm forcing myself to be social, I just hope that my body gets to rest tonight.
Mama gave me a delightful gift voucher so I did a bit of shopping, nightwear, nighties, bed socks.
That was a highlight getting some bargains. I'm still a lil annoyed or upset by something.
The younger sibling called and she was just talking normally like he hadn't just got me into trouble,
It was all cosy and sweet like yea, he's not responsible and she's planning to visit soon.
WTF! She does not hold those two accountable for anything! Fine. I knew she would not cut the bastard off but at least yell at him or say..
What you did was evil and one day soon, it will all catch up with you!
But gone are the days when I think she'll ever stick up for me and have my back, against those two bullies!
Everything they do is right and everything I say or do is wrong.
Anyway that's how I feel and that is the way things shall remain forevermore.
Nothing will change but I still have the right to be frustrated, angry and hurt.
Dr Fem here playfully diagnosing myself. I may have a slight chest infection.
For some reason my ribs are hurting quite badly when I rest on them, or on the sides especially.
I don't think there is any swelling. My nose won't stop running and I have a slight tickly dryish cough.
I'm homesick, the pain is less intense at home. I have no energy. I feel achy.
I must have caught a chill and I keep throwing the covers off because my body feels a heaviness and the duvet seems to weigh me down even more.
I feel suffocated. It's Christmas Day though and I'm trying to be normal.
We watched Home Alone 1 and 2, I don't know how we still cry with laughter at the same screamy bits, when we've seen it dozens of times already.
For dinner it was chicken, yorkshire puddings, gravy, quorn sausages which were divine.
Plus red cabbage, carrots and mashed potatoes. I feel like we are both not eating that much but it's fine and fun.
But mostly all I want to do is lie down, sleep and scream in agony.
It's as though someone's punched me and my ribs are busted up.
I'm trying lemon essential oil which usually works fast and binaural beats, neither is doing anything sadly.
Oh and dessert later on was strawberry trifle. I might post these all at once or one by one.
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D