Friday 17 July 2020

Music transforms me

I'm not sure what has gotten into me lately but I feel so up and down. On the plus side I'm so inspired to write blogs and have a newfound vigor for my book but on the bad side. 

These emotional blogs are making me cry myself into dehydration.

Youtube is keeping me company though with the sad and happy playlists and finally I can download songs to my memory card so the DJ in me can jam when I can't sleep or when I finally venture out.

Family birthdays are here and as usual I don't feel like celebrating but I am trying to think of something I can do for my mother. 

I'll probably be going to visit her at the end of the month or in August, it hasn't been decided yet.

I feel different. I chopped my hair even more and got some accessories I'm excited to experiment with. 

I always alternate between straight and curly but I'm trying to embrace the slight waves I have. 

I bought big spongy curlers as the velcro type pulls my hair out and some clips. 

I just need a headband and some bobbles to keep it out my face.

I feel trendy, even my nails are long and beautiful, although I can't maintain the length I will chop them short after my birthday. 

I gave myself a pedicure too. I wasn't really doing many beauty treatments. There didn't seem any point but now I feel more ladylike..


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D