Turns out I was too impatient to wait for another shopping excursion.
I just compared prices at a few online retailers and got a few deals.
I'm going back on my trusty Perfectil supplements for three months, having taken advantage of the three for two offer.
It just seems to give me the ultimate skin/hair/nails boost.
I haven't taken it in a while because the price tag discourages me but the blend of ingredients finally persuaded me back.
Biotin, Iron and a whole host of wholesome vitamins. I've tried other brands but they don't seem to produce any results whereas Perfectil consistently does.
I've also bought the Alberto Baslsam conditioner, plus the Herbal Essence Argan oil and their Passionfruit type.
It should smell wonderful. (Let's hope it also nourishes my hair and scalp). Either way I'll let you know.
I need good scents when I'm washing it just lifts my mood and wakes me up so instead of feeling my usual tiredness, I feel diva-esque ;)
The only other thing I bought was a standard cheap lip balm and oh yea the L'Oréal Fine Flowers face wash.
The postie is going to have his hands full this week, assuming it arrives.
When I was trying to grow my hair and nothing worked.
A product by Lee Stafford called Hair Growth Treatment For Hair That Never Grows Past A Certain Length surprisingly worked.
Out of the whole range, I only tried the mask because its a waste of money to invest and then find out it contains no benefits.
It did the trick for me so I just moved on to other products.
I only wash my hair once a week, although it gets greasy within a day or so, frequent washing isn't recommended.
Sometimes I'll spritz the leave in conditioner and other times I'll just leave it. I used to hate getting my hair cut every few months.
The stylist always chopped too much off and tried to persuade me to get a shorter do but the more mature I became I realised that in order to stay healthy, I needed a regular trim.
Nowadays about once a month I will generously cut about two inches off until I can feel the hair is a little thicker and less dry.
I'm really not sure about the hair masks anymore as they don't seem to wash out properly.
I prefer a fast acting product that I don't need to spend all my time soaking and then washing out.
I've tried hair mayonaise. A nightmare to wash out and didn't provide me with great results.
I can't remember why I used to put olive oil in my hair, probably read about the effects on combating my dry scalp.
Super messy and no difference to me also.
Lastly this might sound peculiar but I stopped using a comb and brush.
I found that especially with harsh knots a chunk of my hair was coming out but if I just gently untangle it with my hands there is minimal loss.