Tuesday, 21 January 2025

#BlogLife817 - The burden of responsibility

Ugh what a day! The report still isn't ready. It is absolutely freezing outside and my stomach is in knots.

The advisor referred me to 2 bloody courses. One is probably an assessment on Friday and he mentioned using the stairs, which I'm not bloody doing, I feel dizzy and it really affects my movements.

He said if there is an issue to call him over but whatever happens I'm not putting my health at risk, sod them!

The other I'll see about, he sent me a message but I'm so exhausted, there wasn't a seat available on the bus so I stood and just felt really sickly.

That was quick, the food is on the way and I did get the 40% off. Even though I'm going off fish again, I don't mind it in sushi form.

I don't really have an appetite as such but to keep my strength up and to stop me feeling worse, I will munch a bit when it arrives.

I also topped up my oyster and I had enough energy to visit my favourite international store.

I'm so pleased that the Christmas Radox bath soaks were in stock as I'm completely out.

I bought two and some of those dil crisps. Plus a sprite to calm my tummy.

I also wanted something sweet and saw something new, syrup puff pastry thingys.

I wonder if it will be sticky and messy to consume? I am done munching for the day.

That was really good. The dessert is probably like a tame baklava.

I've never tried it before but that might have nuts or fruit added?

It is really messy and sticky and not as sweet as you might think. Very tasty and simple with just the syrup added.

I'm glad I tried it, now I just have to put away the clothes and keep sipping my drinks while the anti nausea video plays.

I read the message from the advisor, lord he's an idiot!! I told him repeatedly that I followed the link he gave me, applied and was rejected and he was like Yea, yea, yea but I want you to apply for this course.

Dumbass! I did already! So I'm going to tell him that in 2 weeks. Yeesh, the only thing half decent about him, was that he said, Do tell him if the courses aren't relevant and helpful and he wouldn't mind.

I still feel obligated because anytime you said No to something it's like Omg, we have an excuse to sanction her, woohoo, let's put a strike against her and halt payments, yipee!!!

I'll attend the Friday nonsense course, and I hope they insist I go upstairs or that I fail it, normally IT courses require Maths and that is a weak spot for me.

I hate studying. I just struggle with the information retaining inside my head, it just disappears or I have immense trouble deciphering it.

I'm not looking to do anything where I feel like a complete idiot. I can't believe they haven't done the Paypal report, what the hell is going on.

Ugh I want to get rid of this stress but everything just keeps piling on to it.

At least today I ate properly, yesterday there wasn't much consumption but I finished off the salmon avocado sushi and maybe will eat again later or just snack as I'm still really full.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D