On Monday, there was 40% off the sushi and today the pizza is half price ha!!
I'm all about the savings, so I got some chicken tandoori pizza and wings and a drink, it's not spicy just flavourful.
I am frozen solid as the twits were running late, heaven help me if I swan in late but they can waste our bloody time as much as possible.
The pain and stiffness kicked in and now my stomach is lurching, but this time I think it's from hunger pangs.
I'm not actually hungry but because I was up early and have been out, my body needs fuel.
The appointment at the Jobby was 10am, so being a responsible person I aimed to get there just before.
At about 9.34am they call and I ignore it, I can never hear them and vice versa when I'm outdoors, too noisy.
A text pops up to say, Oh we're running late, come back in an hour!
Fuckers!!! Who texts/calls at the last bloody minute? You had all morning, most of us leave early to arrive early, we don't leave it til the last frigging second!
So I sat there waiting in the freezing cold, having just arrived. Then finally 10.30am arrives and I set off just before that.
They are still not ready. Asses! I wait another half an hour and then about 11amish, she's finally ready to see me.
By this time I'm struggling to move, the pain is established and I'm on the verge of tears.
She wants me to do a course for 9 bloody weeks, over 2 flipping months, 9-5pm???
WTF?! It's a technical IT course and that holds no interest. I'm trying to explain to her, that my valid concern is that I'm going to find it too strenuous, it being full time and that I was less interested in the technical side, more the customer side of things.
And she's like, Oh don't limit yourself, don't feel left out. I wanted to swing for her!!
Does she have any bloody idea how taxing it is for me to be active for even an hour, let alone 8 bloody hours???
There's no rest as it's every weekday and I'm still expected to do the job searches?? In what time.
Plus my priority is this blog and the stories but I can't tell them that.
I have hand/body pains, exhaustion, poor eyesight and stiffness. The pain doesn't stop magically after I take a break.
What it does is halt, remember the intensity, stay dormant for a small while and then if I continue doing anything active, it climbs and climbs until I feel like I can't move at all.
She's like Oh don't worry we'll support you. Like fuck you will, what are you going do? Stop the bloody class midway through??
Once I'm done for the day, I'm done, the pain has taken up residence and I have limited functionality.
I need rest and no activities. I can't see her being understanding about me leaving the course after 2 hours and saying, Yea I'm done for the day.
And the other thing was she compared me to single Mama's, like what the hell does that have to do with people that have chronic illnesses???
Of course I bit my tongue and uttered none of the above and she's like yea, scan the code and upload some video answers in the interview, if you're interested.
Excuse me? No way! I shudder at the thought.
But I'm going to take the weekend and pretend to ponder it and then decline, let them penalise me for rejecting it, I don't give a fuck!
I feel emotionally calm now, no more cursy cursy. But my body is sensitive and the pain is starting to spread all over and worsen.
While I'm on a rant. It occurred to me that the Witch from DWP is on a power trip.
I've seen it at the Job Centre they can literally shout at you, insult you and the moment you raise your voice in retaliation to stick up for yourself, the security guards rush over and you get in trouble.
She knows she can say anything, demand anything and I have to comply, that's why she's stretching it out, when she has repeatedly got all of the information from me.
4 months later and all she can keep saying is wait to hear back to see what you have to do next.
Congratulations to her, she's excelling at making me lose my mind.
I'm surrounded by evilness.
Oh I just tried the part bake cinnamon swirls. It does take about 20 minutes to cook, the whole room smells of cinnamon but it's not that sweet really.
I didn't realise there was an icing packet, I was supposed to drizzle it over but it's frozen.
I'll just keep them in the fridge, it's not bad. It needs more sugar and cinnamon surprisingly.
I'm not sure I would get it again, personally I would prefer more natural sweetness and not to rely on the icing for the sugar content.
Also I prefer it softer, rather than crispy, it changes the experience and not for the better.
But I can't cook it any less as it's not ready to eat then.
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D