Dear Monsieur Wrong,
I know Monsieur Right doesn't exist, so maybe you do? I wanted to write some fiction today.
But I think I need to talk or vent or ask questions or get answers from someone other than myself.
I did open up all the unfinished stories on the blog, one by one and thought, which one should I work on?
I don't really have ideas. Should I just compose nonsense and hope it works out?
I've got asmr playing in the background. I've got 2 films open. I'm scattered. I can't focus at all.
There's a new story playing in my head but all seems similar to the others.
I want to let go, jump on a story and finish it but knowing that I'm not just going through the motions, that I care about it and am inspired and have confidence that it will turn out well.
I feel none of that. I'm stuck, I want romance, I want to write romance, I just don't feel particularly romantic and don't want to talk or mingle at all.
So help me out. What's your recommendations? How do I fix me?
Dearest Mademoiselle,
I exist solely for you. To be in your company and to help and guide and support you, whenever you need it,
Why do you need to do anything right now? You have enough pressure in your life.
But I sense that is where your passions lie and I am all about the passions.
Just reach for my hand, let me pull you close and I will work with you to solve this small problem.
For you see, with me around, everything will be seen with fresh eyes, fresh smiles, fresh convictions and a fresh suitor, oui oui?
That's it Cherie, smile for me, gush for me, fall for me, let your troubles melt away.
I want you to think about your last story, how did you feel when it was completed, my sweet capable Cherie?
Dearest Monsieur,
I felt relieved actually. It was the story I challenged myself to write and publish in a day and I didn't think I could do it.
I was blank for ages until certain pieces floated into my brain and it pieced together and started to flow.
And suddenly, it was just bubbling and I was getting emotional writing it.
I was pleased with how it turned out. I accomplished that goal for the milestone blog.
But now this emptiness is back and I feel alone and although, that's my preferred spot..
I want someone but I don't want them. I want to be alone and comforted at the same time.
I want to be looked after but not intruded upon. That's it really.
Dearest Mademoiselle,
Look at me Cherie, I know what you want and need and what is best.
And simply speaking it is me. I am everything you crave and everything you didn't.
I am perfect but also littered with flaws. You can make me into anything you want.
But I do not change for anyone, not even you my precious.
I am a tireless listener though, but I am all about the action, so we must always be actively joined together, being productive.
But sometimes I can't be bothered with the writey writey talky talky, so in those times, we do the kissy kissy ;)
Dearest Monsieur,
It is getting late but you have made me laugh a lot tonight and I appreciate the cheesiness of the conversation.
I think for now, you did provide what I needed and that was some lightheartedness.
It's a good start. I feel less stressed and a lot silly.
Thank you and Goodnight Monsieur.
Dearest Mademoiselle,
I will do anything for you at any time, day or night. Ma chambre is always open.
Sleep well Cherie but not too deeply in case I need a hug tonight.
I will remind you that you have it in you to create magic on a page, the next time you feel lost and alone.
Dream of me, your handsome caregiver
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D