I woke up this morning, turned the thermostat on as usual and ran the hot water tap as it's really slow to emit hot water..
I didn't think anything of it at first when it was staying cold because it's winter.
I don't know why I keep thinking that when the thermostat is on, everything is fine, it's a useless indicator.
The boiler could have malfunctioned and it would still say everything's fine.
It's a combination hot water and heating appliance, anyway when I felt the radiator that was not starting to get warm and that had me worried.
But what was confusing and still is, is that I hear the sounds of the heating, I just don't hear that familiar click click or ping ping, telling me it's starting up.
I looked at the boiler display and it said 3 secs. I've never seen that before, not that I can usually see to read it.
I had a look on Googly and it said, it needs to be reset for 3 seconds, to hold the button and afterwards should be fine.
I mean, could it really be that easy? The most I've ever done is turn the switch off and on and that's the extent of my knowledge of how to repair it.
That actually works once in a blue moon. The radiator does seem noisier but still no click.
After I did that, luckily there was a button that said 3 secs because there was nothing that said reset..
It reverted back to 888 temporarily I think, which I know is a fault but I don't know if it's fixed itself yet.
I can't stand there and look and wait, as it's too cold and painful.
What I don't get, is that I've been using it, practically nonstop, why should it fail?
Oh I just heard a click. There's another one. Please please please let it have worked.
I hate calling the repair guys. I feel so uncomfy around them. I'm scared to check if it's sorted, in case it's still broken.
Oh wow, it worked. I'm so relieved and happy, the whole process took about 30minutes to an hour.
Patience is the key. I don't even know the make of the boiler but I'm just glad it was something simple and not major.
It's fairly new so it should not have any issues and although I love winter, my body hates it and stiffens up.
The pain lingers around longer, I've noticed it, which makes being functional that much more taxing.
I'm just heating up some veggy pasta, now that I can calm down and relax.
This was not even today's post but I had to get it off my mind. I'm surprised the face mask hasn't arrived yet.
My skin is still all over the place, one minute normal, the next dry and peely.
I don't get it at all. It's reacting to something but I don't know what..
I think actually what is helping a tiny bit is, I still have some leftover combination scrub/mask so I've been using that and rubbing it in.
But I want to use a proper mask, a smooth one that rehydrates and clears everything up.
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D