Wednesday, 15 January 2025

#BlogLife814 - Witch called, Suspension imminent!

Well it's been crazy so far and it's only lunchtime. I haven't had a moment to eat or drink, my voice is cracking and coming and going.

I was kinda sleeping off and on this morning and then the asmr stopped so I thought ok, the battery on the earbuds have died, it's probably time to get up.

I looked at the phone and saw an incoming call from Witchy, let's refer to her as.

Of course my voice is even more croakier, first thing and I'm trying to explain to her that I'm getting over the flu or whatever it is and she's saying no it's your phone reception.

I can barely hear you, call me back, you sound as though you're in a tunnel, it's not your flu. Which was exceptionally rude!

The latest report you sent is the same as the previous, it's not balance affecting, it's all transactions and it's not what I requested.

I don't want to suspend your account but I will if I don't get what I want!

Go back to the library and do another printout before 2 weeks are up!!

At this point half asleep, I'm not even sure what account she is referring to, Paypal? Universal Credit? Bank?

So I tried to explain that I took all the steps, tried to do it manually, have called Paypal directly and asked for the rolling balance statements but they keep giving me all transactions and I said I would try to do it again.

She scoffed at "try." As though I haven't already been jumping through hoops to get her the information, she supposedly needs.

Through illness, chronic pain, exhaustion, going to the library several times, waiting around trying to get help.

Forking out £33 plus £63 so nearly a hundred quid just to get the printouts and stamps and envelopes to give information that she's gotten over and over.

But somehow is dissatisfied with. I decided to get up properly and get dressed and call Paypal first.

Well actually I tried to do the report manually again and that didn't work and now it was only available from the 16th not the 1st January.

Anyway, that didn't work, invalid date range, once again. I called Paypal and once again explained I wanted the rolling balance, balance affecting report as DWP needs it.

She was furious when I said they've threatened to close my account.

She was like They can't do that! Nobody can! I said it's DWP, it's the Government, they can do what they like and I'm sick of stressing, I don't care anymore.

During all this, my voice is disappearing, I can barely talk, but she's nice in the fact that, she can still understand me and sympathises.

She said Look, this report is simple and is designed to be opened in excel spreadsheet to see the balance.

You've requested it a few times and it's going to be the same thing.

I told her, Thanks for your help but I'm killing myself going to the library back and forth as she won't accept a file.

The representative was like, well that's the best way to view it, you shouldn't have to go to the library.

Once again I said I'm just trying to cooperate with her and give everything she asks of me.

I can't do anymore than that, even though her attitude stinks and she is acting like I'm purposely being evasive and as though I can't be bothered to do it.

So I thanked the Paypal agent again for her kindness and help, she said, it will be there in 24 hours.

I called the Wtchy back and just told her every single thing. Finally she said Oh, I don't know why Paypal are being difficult.

I really need the balance affecting statement and it's just not sufficient, the all transactions one.

(Oh and even the customer agent from Paypal said, I don't know why on earth she isn't accepting the all transactions one, it's basically the same thing)!!


Anyway so I said I'm just waiting on it but chances are it might come out as the all transactions one.

She said That's not good, that's not what I need. In the end I said Would you like me to ring you when it comes through?

She said Yes do that as soon as possible and then once that happens, a verdict is going to be made.

That's my news, I could transfer all the money from Paypal into my Bank account.

That just seems underhanded and sneaky. I don't want to do that.

I could just send a partial amount but again, I think they are monitoring it closely, I'm glad I withdrew at least some of it before now.

I can justify it. It is literally for all the bills increasing, tax, heating, phone, water, plus groceries etc.

She's definitely spiteful enough to block my account and probably empty it.

I can see her happily doing that. I was hoping for a better outcome, a small fine, no jail time.

But all this is making me sicker and depressed and stressed and if it is finally coming to an end..

Where she will not be on my back, she won't harass me further and won't make me spend more money and cripple myself in the library..

Then so be it! I won't be happy but I'll take responsibility for my actions.

I'm going to miss being able to take a taxi to see Mama. I don't know if I can afford that.

I'm also going to miss being able to afford a takeout when I'm too physically ill to move or I'm beyond exhausted and it's a luxury.

Plus the laptop and heated blankie won't last forever, they will need replacing eventually as they are old.

The only silver lining, apart from peace of mind, as this has been hanging over me since October of last year.

Will be as soon as she takes over my Paypal money and account.

I can then send screenshots to UC and say, Hi Howdy, this is new information but I no longer have any Paypal savings.

DWP has seized it and I have proof that they have to accept. As I will show the new balance of ZERO!!!

Now that I have gotten that off my chest, I can relax. I'm going to eat some chicken and rice and update Mama later.

I hope the younger sibling is choking on his laughter, pleased with himself.

The older one was maybe reported also but seems like, there are no consequences to his actions either, it's just me being punished.

Well that seems fair. I am after all the horrible one. Yep sound about right.

The almost good get punished and the evil can do as they please because nobody holds them accountable, ever!

Hopefully tomorrows post is a bit lighter or you might have to wait for next week or month for me to be in a better mood.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D