This is an old tv show that I just started watching recently. I'm on a Tyler Perry binge, it's soo good though, the intricate stories and the layers unfolding.
One minute you're laughing, then sad, then confused, then shocked.
It's quite brilliant how it unravels. It's mainly centred on this family, with a wealthy complicated dynamic.
The kids both went through trauma, one is suicidal, one is an addict.
The hubby is a serial cheater, the wifey has cancer and noone in the family knows, just the kind maid, who becomes a friend.
Then on top of that, the son's addiction counsellor has a serious crush on him, but he's closeted because his parents will disown him if he comes out.
But the son is straight and he's trying to combat his insecurities and reconcile with his girlfriend, only the counsellor is sabotaging it.
On one hand, you feel sorry that he's stuck and his parents aren't supportive and on another, you're seriously creeped out by his actions.
He's a therapist, he's supposed to be neutral. I hope that eventually he'll fire himself as a therapist and seek help to come to terms with his identity.
That's why in counselling, you're supposed to undergo it first, before you treat others, how can you know the right thing to do or say otherwise?
Except for me, I think I did pretty well but it was draining. I just felt my own stresses on top of it and it got too much.
Although at least I am trying to explore everything that's happened to me and how I'm feeling, that's not professional but it's a gateway at least to understanding myself.
Anyway the last thread is the husband's latest mistress turns out to be his frail daughter's new bestie.
And she blackmails him, ha and complications ensue when he and his bestie retaliate.
Goodness me it's a lot, but very fascinating. I have to say though during today's chat date.
I ended up adding a bit to one of the stories. It wasn't much and not really anything major but at least it's helping to move it along.
I love that he was working and multi tasking and still could maintain a conversation.
Today he brought up the number swap thingy and I'm ok with it but he's slowing down the pace and I can't say it bothers because we chat daily now.
Well kinda always have from the beginning and now it's migrated to during the day too, not just evenings.
I'm content as long as I get the daily post out and sort out my emails and all the UC obligations.
Then I usually break up the day with munchies, watching half an episode and gaming, Looney Tunes, Scrabble, Match Masters or Klondike.
But the time does fly because sometimes I'm working on what to say tomorrow but actually I have a few drafts at the moment, with various themes.
I doubt if I'll see him tonight, I'll check at 9pm as he was off to the gym.
I'm going to watch Tracker and there is a new episode of Found out.
The problem with these shows is, there are so many gaps between episodes, I forget what on earth is happening.
There is a new love interest for Candace the former mistress he seems decent but I think it's a long con game.
He's just almost perfect. I cringe that he said he was looking for someone exotic, ickkkkk.
I always feel like it makes us non-caucasians sound like we're a novelty object, something to capture, have fun with and discard because it's a bucket list, we're not people, we're playthings.
The other thing he said was that he's a serial cheater and womaniser, he chases, conquers and then moves on.
But the way he's kinda romancing her, it doesn't seem like a fling.
I think he's trying to implicate her in insider trading or some other shady deal, to lose her cash and therefore lose her security.
I do actually hope that's not the case, if he's a good guy, it will be her first.
He's dangling this investment bait but deliberately not pushing to make her think, it's her idea.
That's why I don't trust him, he's pushing her to be vulnerable, this lets her guard down, and you don't think straight, when that happens.
You're just want to stay warm and fuzzy, not cautious about motives..
I just want to add this theory as I am near the end. The daughter Amanda ends up allegedly committing suicide as she goes through another catastrophic event.
If it was murder I thought the only person with a motive was her attacker but then high on drugs the brother blurted something out.
I wonder if in his fractured delusional state he murdered her and made it appear as a suicide?
Because he ended up shooting his Papa and his Mama but not directly at his Mama, it turns out, he spared her..
He blames his parents for not protecting him and thinks they don't care but then he's full of self loathing and insecurities.
Mistaking friendship for exploitation. Anyway as usual I am over-thinking it all.
I can just relate to the angst of that constant building turmoil and if you don't get help or a release, it explodes.
What's the motive for killing his sister? Maybe she was too much of a burden?
Maybe he wanted to spare her any further pains? Or maybe he thought with his family gone, he could just erase the past like it never happened, no reminders left....?
He doesn't want to help himself, that's what annoys me, ample opportunities and consequences and still no growth or realisation that he has to help himself, no-one can wave a wand and fix him instantly.
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D