Thursday, 27 February 2025

#BlogLife837 - Phone moi

I think I gave up too easily with the phone renewal thingy. I'm just going to keep calling until I find a deal I can live with because every time I call they seem to reduce it, so why not.

I think it's about £19 I'm paying for the month so that or less is maybe doable.

There is no way I am paying more especially with the price hike of £4 maybe?

I can only chance it and call but I'm not really in the mood to haggle at present.

Today was me and Mama's pedicure, that was glorious, massage chair whirring, scrub and cream massages.

No real foot massage but I can live with that, they seemed to be short staffed so bit of a rush job, with one woman catering to us both.

Today the pains were pretty bad, it was just creeping everywhere, so even sitting was horrible.

And changing was excruciating, it felt like I was tearing my arms off.

But I wore the new blue top, it fits so roomily, I might go a size down if I get the reds.

It's not baggy just loose and drew a few compliments from Mama and the salon lady.

Ugh I went into the kitchen to put the leftovers away and forgot to get some cold water.

Haha visually there was no hot totty about, they always seem to come around, when I'm looking my scruffiest not when I'm polished.

Today I experimented with a bluey purply eyeshadow over a reddy pink shade, not too bad.

And me and Mama treated each other, she bought me jalebis and ladoos, indian super sweet desserts as unfortunately the pakoras were sold out.

And they keep acting as though they don't want to sell it to us. Twits!

And I bought us lunch, well breakfasty, she had a full english, minus pork, chips, beans, eggs, mushrooms and I munched some of her fries.

I had about one or two bites of my chicken wrap and felt full and kinda sickly so I just drank the appletiser and packed the rest away.

I should have asked them to put mayo, it seems kinda dry but the wrap itself is like bread and roti had a baby, tasty.

Mama laughed at that, she's preparing for her upcoming trip. I'm keeping my reservations to myself.

I guess the one thing I don't like about this cafe is that the foo quality is inconsistent, where other places are good all the time.

I recall last time the wrap was really flavourful and wasn't dry but the bread itself was just average.

Now this time it is the opposite, why can't it be the same all the time?

I mean't to epilate both my legs but the epilator died and when it charged up, I forgot to do the other leg ha.

It's just light fuzz and not much of it now. It's lovely and sunny today, compared to yesterday's rain but I still feel horrible.

The cramps will not let up, I experienced them when I was trying to sleep this morning.

I should eat but my appetite is non existent, it might help to settle my tummy though as it's 3pm and I haven't consumed anything all day.

Normally I would do an Iceland shop for tomorrow but I'm going to leave it for the weekend as the freezer and fridge isn't quite empty yet.

As predicted still nothing from H and I'll leave it until Sunday night as that will have been 5ish days and that's plenty to reach out, if he so chooses.

There's not a chance in hell but I feel better giving that extra time.

I'm taking a break from the cleaning. I'm not up to it at all. What I want to do is find someone else to occupy my mind.

But I value quality over quantity. It's easy to get chitchat but it's way more difficult to find someone truly engaging that has a brain above the waist.

And that's what I'm looking for, although to be honest. I don't even want that, I think I want to wallow, just be sickly and have comfort food or watch my cheesy shows and forget about life and stress and drama and being ignored.

I hope your weekend is a lot cheerier than mine. Monday might be late as I have a meeting.

I'll see how I feel. When I return home, I'm going to be shattered and want to eat and relax and get away from the pains.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D