Today was good but a bit strange, there was lots of glitches, the bank wouldn't let me log in.
Just Eat wouldn't load. It was a nice sunny day and I had a late UC appointment so now I'm lounging.
I really fancied the roti wraps and the Indian restaurants don't usually open until the evening but I saw one and decided to try it out.
It's a pity they didn't have the veggy pakoras or the chicken samosas or the traditional desserts but hopefully they will find my address easily.
I ordered some chicken wraps and a fudge cake and a sprite. It's nearly 5.30pmish and I haven't eaten or drank anything all day.
I still don't feel particular hunger pangs but maybe when I get going I will.
There's a new noodle place and a kebab place locally that I didn't realise, maybe Mama would like to try it some time.
It's a good job I'm not hungry as they predict an hour and 30 minutes has passed already.
Oh I finally got my brows done £7 but I told her no threading and she still did it.
Ughhhh why don't they listen? That really annoys me. I keep feeling like my eye area is bleeding but it doesn't seem to be.
It's stopped pulsating with discomfort. I can't wait to change when the food gets here.
I also had just about enough energy to pop into the EE phone shop and they said there isn't any £19 deals going.
I had a feeling, my best bet is the crappy phone customer service malarky.
I just feel drained and disappointed with them so I guess that's why I'm not eager to call and deal with them but I will when I have some free time.
Oh surprisingly my UC advisor gave me a phone appointment, it's a video call but he said probably will be a routine phone thing.
Ugh I hope so. I refuse to stress about that, I have enough on my plate.
I checked the post and no face wash or other appointments. I'm going to have to chase it up and tell them I haven't received it.
Aside from stressing. I feel good today. I got a lot off my mind. Hmm ok well it wasn't really rotis.
More like fresh soft greek type bread, tasty but I prefer rotis, was very mild and plenty of leftovers for tomorrow as the bread was thick.
Oh the puree wrap was more like a roti, a bit dry maybe but it satisfied my cravings, quite tasty topped with a burger sauce and chopped veggies and/or onions I think.
Except for the cramps and nausea, there wasn't much pain today, my back twinged a bit but I guess that's why I shopped as it wasn't so taxing.
There's something else, although I don't want to gossip but sometimes I want to shake people and say Grow up and think rationally.
Do you hear the words coming out of your mouth? Take a breath, think things through and then decide.
Why rush in when you have time and maybe you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
I'm trying to be helpful but I lose patience when people blurt things out and you wonder if they have lost their damn mind.
What are you expecting me to say? Go ahead, to hell with the consequences??
Jump into something crazy, see how that works out for you... In the long run..
I have no time to do the softy softy approach. I just call it like I see it.
That's it, brain unpacked, now I have to tidy up and relax for the night.
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D