Monday 20 June 2022

#BlogLife293 - Creightons fruity face wash

My other supply finished yesterday and so I started with the Creighton's Grapefruit face wash.

It's 150ml with cute pink packaging and I paid £3.15 for it. The going price seems to be about £2.

The colour is sheer which I always feel is disappointing when the packaging is so bright and playful.

It's a gel like substance, thickish and when first applied has a strong sweet grapefruit scent which I find invigorating in the mornings.

As soon as you wash it off though, I don't really sense it on my skin, maybe faintly but it quickly wears away, which is a shame.

I did have some hormone related pimples flare up, prior to sampling this and now looking at my face in the mirror, my complexion is mostly clear.

It didn't prevent more blemishes from popping up though. I find the hormonal acne is the hardest to prevent.

My skin doesn't have any dry patches after using it and although it took ages, it does foam up on my face brush.

I'm not sure why it takes so long though, that was a bit annoying because I don't spend ages with the brush, I just go a few rounds and then stop.

Ahh I just read the description. The grapefruit possesses a natural salicylic acid which is the ingredient that fights against acne and oily skin.

No wonder I see it in so many brands. It is something that I used to look for in my skin care purchases but now I don't browse as much, I have to be less picky.

I recommend it because my face is heavily moisturised but it doesn't feel heavy just coated and soft.

Now this morning, I don't feel greasy but baby soft skin and youthful.


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