Wednesday 8 June 2022

#BlogLife285 - A tale of two randoms...

I felt a bit restless so I decided I would go look for some company, a bit of a chitchat before retiring to bed.

One was last night, we'll call him H and late Monday was D. D started off a bit gruff, not bad but I wasn't sure and then he ended up being quite sweet and charming so that was nice.

Although we did natter for a long time and in the morning I was very tired and yesterday there was H who began nice and then ended up being a tad curt.

He wasn't exactly rude, but the manner when he didn't get his own way, was quite dismissive. Picture someone throwing a hissy fit or giving you the silent treatment, it was like that.

However when he was being friendlier, he did make me chuckle. They all claim to have deep voices and they all lie. Do they even know what deep means?? 

I think not but it was an engaging conversation, until the abrupt ending which was off-putting. Instead of saying, thank you for entertaining me or being enjoyable.

I said something like, it's late, I guess we should say goodnight now or soon, I can't recall and he said yup we should, night, click...

Haha!! In his defence it was exceedingly late and the short call, turned into an hour but still, I've had way more decent endings than that.

I'm not obsessing about it. I can barely imagine what topics we touched on but it did serve a purpose, just to help me unwind and be carefree for a spell.

I don't think either will make a reappearance and that's fine as I eventually found a movie to tucker me out.

I fancied watching a Bruce Willis film and Die Hard, the one with Samuel Jackson came to mind and aside from the bad language, is really amusing.

I'm trying to investigate what traits to avoid when conversing. I realised it's the dismissive attitude and not respecting my decisions.

As in, if I disagree, just accept it and move on, don't try to change my mind or become angry, as though you're the only person who counts, instead go with the flow, adapt.

The second thing is, if I'm honest about something but not hurtful, just matter of fact. Don't become defensive and bitter. Just see it as alright, so something I said or did, isn't to her tastes.....

Well I can conjure alternatives easily, that won't be a big deal at all. I call it being a drama king. Get over yourself, grow up and stop being a petulant bambino!!


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D