Monday 27 June 2022

#BlogLife298 - Parcelforce gave my parcel to Mr X

I guess I'm still smarting a bit from this, that I'm still dealing with duplicitous neighbours that don't seem to stop harassing me in one form or the other.

From stealing my welcome mat, to trying to break into my home, to letting their pet defecate repeatedly outside my door to stealing my post..... To getting me in trouble with the council/bin tampering fines.

How much is one person supposed to tolerate exactly. I've done nothing to these jerks and I don't want to get the police involved.

My daily life is already exhausting and to deal with apathetic police too? Ughhh too much.

This is what happened. I discovered a missed parcel note from parcelforce in my mail.

I scheduled a redelivery and customer service said it was processing routinely and should be with me soon and someone would be in touch to explain more.

Hah lies!! As noone did contact me. Then tracking said address couldn't be found. I called up once more to be told they need my complete address and instructions.

Aka the poor itty bitty courier can't use GPS to locate my area. They found it before, why not this time???

I was told they would not re-attempt delivery until Monday, not yesterday. I thought fine, whatever..

Yesterday I check the tracking because I don't trust them and low and behold it's been collected...... By the addressee.

Have I changed my sex??? I'm pretty sure I'm still a woman. Funny because a man collected it, with a different name to mine.

Maybe Parcelforce just hands it out to anyone that comes looking. ID here???? No no no. 

Come one, come all, take anything you please. We are not fussed, we just like emptying our workload.

The less deliveries, the better, that's our motto. Once again I made a futile effort to contact customer services but they were closed.

I shall see what nonsense they come up with to explain it all....Then I will just let it all go as I don't want this weighing me down.

I'll add to this post. Ahh it's past 8am I can call them. Well, well, well.

That was resolved very quickly. My temper was in check but I was aggravated.

As I explained all the details, dealt with the annoying robot and got through.

The representative told me that there was a mix up. The street name listed, was incorrect but was something very similar to mine with one word, that was different.

I just don't understand how they didn't flag, that my name was different to that of Mr X.

Even if the address was wrong, the name bloody wasn't, grr causing me undue stress for no reason.

The biggest laugh was him asking me, if I was expecting anything. I said no but that I did order a lot from amazon.

To which he replied, no this isn't from there, this came from abroad! Lmao!!

Amazon is international, a lot of the stuff is imported. Bahaha!!!

I am just relieved everything is all sorted out and I can chill. Hope your week goes smoothly.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D