Thursday 9 June 2022

#BlogLife286 - Next came MD..

I told myself I had gotten over my chat fix but I think it was a combination of things that persuaded me otherwise..

I'm still having one day periods. This is my third one to date. It's never been three in a row before, that's weird even for me. I just hope it eventually skips or plays out and then, returns to semi normal soon.

In addition to this, I feel a bit burned out on fiction. The stories just completely occupy my mind and there is very lil peace during this creative process, so writing a few back to back was different.

It's not my normal schedule, I space them out a lot but I was inspired so I carried on and I am pleased with how they ended up. I hope they were fun to read at least and made sense.

I think I'll take a break and then concentrate on the arranged marriage tale. I roughly know where to go with it and I'm looking forward to the wedding but I've just started it so a long way to go until I get to that bit.

I think I'll stop trying to control the length, if it's mean't to stay short it will and if it's longer than that, I'll stop worrying about it and enjoy the journey.

I think I wanted to break loose and have some fun away from being productive. Let my brain rest and recuperate.

After I finished munching breakfast/lunch. I went on and scouted for a decent conversation to pique my interest.

I had a few that were pleasant enough and some made me giggle but there was one name that stood out from the rest. MD.

It wasn't even the opening line, it was the name, that to me represented a woman's brain, instead of her body.

We had one misunderstanding, where he asked me my name and didn't offer his, which irked me and I thought, he's one of those non-sharers..Nexttt!!

I did my pouty silent routine and wondered if he would get the hint and in the next few minutes, he rectified it, without me saying anything and told me.

Which frankly surprised me, we did seem to be on the same wavelength for most of the chat but at the end, there was another revelation.

I don't think I'll ever trust a man again. What they say is normally rehearsed or their version of the truth.

However we did seem to spend the entire day talking and when it migrated to the phone. He had that tranquil type of voice that you want to hear, after a bad day.

That you could talk to for hours, and not get bored. That you could not run out of things to say and then look at the time and realised hours flew by and it felt like seconds.

He's a creative guy as well. I have spoken to a few of those, one was super arrogant and made it all about himself, plugging his work and it was one sided and dull.

The others, really didn't go into details and preferred other topics of interest but he was broader in a sense. Talking about different aspects of what he liked and didn't and what he had achieved.

I don't think I can remember having that type of discussion before. I was pretty much hooked on it. I did have a bad habit of occasionally interrupting him though, I gotta work on that.

This one I can see talking to again because he is very amusing and down to earth. He doesn't seem like he's guarded, ready to make a speech or launch an attack but we'll see..

These randoms sometimes appear nice and then the claws come out. I'll let you know what happens much much later.

Oh he did offer to read something I wrote but that scared me too much so I declined haha.

Oh and another random migrated to email and asked me word for word, the questions he had previously enquired about over the chat, WTF??!!

Was I talking to your clone? Why would you ask the same things??


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D