Thursday 11 May 2023

#BlogLife500 - Can I pretend I'm normal for a day?

I guess I'm worried at the moment. L might be coming down to the UK and she's asked to see me, which is sweet and she's a great person and funny and caring.

One of the randoms also asked for the same thing C. Maybe, probably before I got sick, I would be excited and looking forward to it.

Part of me still is but I have also have serious concerns about my health.

I get really exhausted easily, the pain sets in fairly quickly. I get irritable.

Panic attacks and PTSD can crop up anytime at all. I guess I don't mind explaining this to a friend, although it's awkward.

But all these details to a guy, to a stranger, is something I generally avoid unless, plans have definitively been made and then I would lay it out and say, the truth is......

I have barriers in my life. I can't travel that far anymore, only locally, someone is always going to have to meet me at my local area.

Which isn't fair really, to have to say, these are the terms, these are my requirements because if I attempt to go farther, I'm going end up sore, recovering for a few days and probably bursting into tears from the pain and discomfort.

I don't know if I can be a fun tour guide. Am I really worth coming down all this way to visit?

On the phone sure I can be lighthearted and amusing and silly, in person...

My body is screaming to go back home, rest, nap, take it easy, be off my feet, don't overstrain my bones.

I don't feel it's fair to burden someone with my limitations. These are my problems, I have to live with it and I'm used to it.

But socialising is extremely taxing and honestly, I'm happier not doing it.

I don't really know how to solve this, except to try and push through it as much as I can but not reach my breaking point.

I'm so happy it's been raining and cooler today. I really needed to wrap up in the heated blankie and it's helped the healing faster.

I'm pleased with the X tops. They are so soft and feel great quality. They fit a tad snug but look really good.

The Dark Paradise lippy, I hate. It came out really light and I wanted the opposite.

I'm hoping the others are a whole lot better. Hmm, the Ocufresh eye drops are supposed to be rewetting..

They don't really sting, are very thin and tiny but actually feel pretty good.

I feel as though I just got an eye bath or put on fresh lenses because my vision has sharpened immediately.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D