Thursday 30 May 2024

#BlogLife697 - Almost 3 months and no period, wooop

Song of the day - Pitbull/Neyo - Time Of Our Lives

Unusually I had a block of deep sleep. I had a bad dream, something about murder and then woke up briefly and was able to drift off to good dreams.

Even though there is no monthly, I've got cramps and slight queasiness and an increased appetite, not at the moment though, I'm just thirsty.

I was woken up today by the special Postie and I just couldn't be bothered to hustle and get to the buzzer or door.

I opened the door expecting to find a note or my lil packet of tweezers but there was something else, I had given up on.

A good start to the day. I'm sipping the orange and lemon squash and the cramps are fading, I feel better.

I'm not sure if the regular Postie has been but the tracking says the tweezers are due, hmm.

I didn't realise there was a new season of My Life Is Murder out, with Lucy Lawless, I enjoyed it so after Sistas or during that will catch up on it.

As for Sistas, I'm disappointed I thought it would feature empowered women but they keep making bad choices and settling for unhealthy relationships or men.

There was one good decent straight guy on the show that was sweet but misguided, his heart was in the right place and she treated him so badly.

She had some valid points about how he put her in dangerous and screwy positions without meaning too but she didn't seem remotely apologetic, when she cheated on him twice.

I hate that!! That she was all about herself and not his needs. The one thing he could have done is, take her out more and told her he loved her, which he didn't do.

That would have broken up the monotony.

It's infuriating that the one good guy is probably gone now, the other nice guy is the gay bestie who tries to matchmake and meddle but also support.

The earbuds are acting strangely when they connect to bluetooth.

The right one doesn't work and then I have to put it back in the case and pair it again.

Grr it's happening with all of them.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D