Wednesday 6 November 2024

#BlogLife785 - Double work for dodo advisor

It's now Tuesday afternoon and I got back a while ago, just had some chicken pasta.

It's been a really mixed day, the bus app said everything is running fine, but there was a half an hour delay so I was a bit late for my UC appointment.

Normally they are supposed to arrive every 10 minutes, so not sure what the problem was.

Luckily, they were running late too, so he wasn't annoyed at me. For the most part it went fine, I told him all about essential oils for his cough, and binaural beats to treat giving up smoking.

(I'm not sure why I felt the need to cure him, ha), but I guess I help people where I can).

But he was firing questions at me, like he didn't have access to the online journal, where everything is laid out for him.

How the hell do I have the extensive details memorised, when it's all there for you to look at? What the hell is the point of doing that, when you're asking for specifics?

I found that really tiresome, so he said, jot down some notes for next week, ugh, was hoping it would be next month, pfft.

I'm just going to forgo that crap and embarrass him, by opening the journal in front of him and recalling all the information, that the bs questions require me to know. *Rolls eyes*

Then he asked for a morning or afternoon slot and I picked morning and he said, 9amish is the only free time available, pfft.

At least that's done for now. I am so drained, my back is killing me and I feel a lil dizzy.

But I checked the post and there was a letter from the council so following my re-applying for the housing benefit.

And taking hours to fill in the form, and uploads loads of documents, it seems to indicate that I'm still entitled to it.

Thank heavens for that, it was stressing me out so much. As usual with the council, they randomly stop/start the allowance, which puts me into debt.

However for now, it seems like they are happy with all the evidence I provided and the fact that I added ridiculous amounts of excess information, to explain myself and my circumstances..

Seemed to go in my favour because I didn't have the rent statements to add and I have no idea when it increased so I couldn't provide those details and ended up sending them the rent receipts, I make sure I request from the landlord..

Ideally I would like to rest but I need to add stuff to the journal, to stop the nagging.

I'm still craving sushi but I'm going to continue being careful and then maybe at Christmas time, possibly it will be more affordable then...

Mama's all excited about it. I don't think she wants to do a roast this year, normally it's chicken but I think she wants fish and chips or Chinese this year, which is cool by me.

I'm not really fussed as unless she invites people around, which I kinda hope not, it will just be the two of us.

I'm not sure I will ever get rid of that eating anxiety, of munching in front of people, my appetite just disappears and I can't savour anything.

But it's her place and I never object, I just disappear into my guest room and take a breather instead.

I have seen a knock off version of Ferreros, Brompton House, 10x £3 but I want them to go on sale.

Or I might see if there's a dark chocolate version because both me and her, are quite enjoying that.

There's still time to decide what to get. She told me not to get her any gifts and I'm not sure at the moment I can afford to anyway.

As I've treated her to stuff already but if I can save a bit and find out she needs anything, I will try and budget and purchase it for her.

I'll definitely try and get some treats for us both though. Oh and she wants some essential oils so that's easy enough.

Tuesday 5 November 2024

#BlogLife784 - The right scent can pick you off the floor..

A couple of things before I forget. I've been using the Clean and Clear moisturiser and for the most part it's fine but I notice some dry patches on my forehead, it's removing some of the moisture out of my skin.

I don't think I would recommend it. Also I saw some Heinz £2.50 hash browns filled with baked beans and that's a lovely breakfast item, for something different, they just need to be cooked well, maybe 20 minutes instead of 15.

It's a lil pricey but I have to admit, it's a big size and quite a lot in the bag so it's worth it, I only cooked one, to sample it and that was enough to fill me up, as well as having the minced bake.

Also because Iceland has been sold out of the creamy chicken bakes, not surprisingly, it's the best one in the range, I decided to try the beef one, as I can't keep eating the same things.

It's actually quite tasty and I seemed to tolerate it well, considering I'm not craving beef that much these days.

All the groceries are unpacked but they keep being sold out of the low fat coleslaw, which is a shame, maybe I should get the regular one?

I also completely forgot about the Radox bath soak, the new one, Sleep Aromatherapy..

I oiled my hair and rinsed it and it's very soft and bouncy, probably needs another trim though, looks a bit too full and scruffy but at least it's not completely flat, it definitely seems to have a fair bit of volume at the back, not the front though, pity.

The Radox had a stronger scent when I started applying it, I cannot pinpoint the fragrance, it's just pleasant.

I googlied it and it's chamomile and white valerian, plus other herbs, it's not sweet or sour really, a blend of the two maybe?

Apparently it's an apple or vanilla type of perfume but not to me. I found using it quite relaxing, I don't feel sleepy as such, just calm.

Pmt is still bad, can't stop feeling sicky and cramping. When I exited the shower/bath, the smell lingered on my skin, subtly, it's less pungent than the others but I don't mind it, I would recommend it.

I have an hour to kill before I have to leave for my UC appointment.

I've already done my hair and makeup and although it's 12pmish, and my tum is grumbling, I don't have an appetite.

I had an orange tictac to try and settle my belly and I think it helped actually.

I will eat properly when I return, sometimes food helps and others times, I just end up vomiting, I don't want to take the risk.

Last thing I'm really annoyed about, as I had time and there was light, I tried to do the Parissa eyebrow strips.

One whole strip for each eye, I rubbed them together for a while, peeled them apart and it didn't separate properly, ugh!!

It happened with both of them, they were unusable, I was so irritated, I had to bin them both.

I tried to pluck a bit, but there is a lot of stray hairs and I gave up and just did a heavy makeup look.

Foundation, powder, layers of red, pink and purple eyeshadow and just left it.

And looking at my clothes now, I see now, they are all baggy and too big for me but they are comfy.

If I ever can afford it and I need new outfits, I'll shop for smaller sizes.

I'm not dieting but with all the stress, my appetite has shrunk.