Tuesday 6 July 2021

#BlogLife92 - Dating while being plus sized

Each of us are different sizes and if you are like me your weight has fluctuated over the years. I have never had an easy time dating and that was for a whole heap of reasons.






I notice now more prominently that there seems to be extreme attitudes for men when they hear or see that I am not slim.

Either I will attract the type that have the obsession with me staying big and want to facilitate that and encourage me to pile on even more weight.

Which is unappealing because I would like to be healthier and slimmer and I don't want someone obsessed with my weight and only seeing that in me.

It's really offputting because there are other sides to me too. Yes it is great they accept the abundance of me but it should matter what I want and how I feel.

Then there are the kinds where, I sound good on the surface but in reality..

It's like hmmmmm, well yea I didn't want you to be skinny but you are more than I thought you were and are you trying to lose weight and what steps are you taking and is that enough  etc etc etc..

I don't want that either, because although they claim to want someone with curves and a full figure, what they really want is someone slim who is also shapely.

Not someone like me who is overweight but with curves too. There is a huge difference and being a shortie doesn't help.

I guess I want the impossible, someone to take their cues from me and say, Look what is it you want? I am attracted to you, I like your personality.

I like hanging out together, I would like to get to know you further and as for your weight.... All I want is for you to be truly sincerely happy and confident, so decide what that is and I'll support you.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D