Tuesday 13 July 2021

#BlogLife96 - Will it get easier?

I got home not too long ago and I am exhausted and achey and sore but I feel great. I haven't spoken much about Corona because everyone has hammered that topic to death..

However today I may just touch upon a few things. I am so used to wearing the face mask and having that level of protection that it is weird to see less and less people wearing them.

Even on the bus there was a guy who casually just had his completely off and I kept looking around to see if the rules had changed but nope, still mandatory.

I think it is only necessary for indoors and not outdoors but I still find myself keeping mine on, even though it is difficult to breathe and walk.

I don't even bother with any makeup at all now. I used to love lip gloss and eye shadow and foundation but now I just feel my face is covered, so what is the point?

I did manage to get my bread but there was no interesting sandwich fillers available so I have cheese at home to make do.

I'm so glad the sun was shining brightly today. I just wore grey casual trousers and a beautiful bright purple top. It felt summery to me for the first time :)

I will also find out if I properly completed the volunteer program while I was incapacitated. I have to tally the number and see if I did enough conversations and write about what I learned from it....

And then if I qualified I will get a cool certificate :D I have a feeling I will start back, when I return home from my break. Wish me luck...

Oh and a special shout out to Craig who gave me my first ever real comment. It is most appreciated. I was going to wait until I had replies set up but I have no idea how to do that so I will just make a new comment as a reply.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D