Thursday 12 May 2022

#BlogLife271 - It's okay not to talk..

People have always said to me, share, spill your guts, it will help, it will fix what is eating away at you. 

I have hardly found that to be the truth in my case, maybe you are different and it actually feels like you are being supported.

But if not, if you are like me and people talk over, or misunderstand or don't get you, then it's alright to stay silent.

Or you can be vague, if they persist and you're exhausted. You don't have to go into the grand details and they will probably leave you alone, knowing they have fulfilled some obligation.

It's important to feel mentally as well as physically safe when divulging these sensitive details.

I guess for me, people seemed legitimately concerned but actually couldn't care less. I wanted them too, just like I felt for them but it was one sided.

It's hard to see it and admit but it's the truth. I know that now because I always felt like I had noone on my side.

It's always like I was smiling at first, extending my hand and expecting it to be grasped in seconds but people met it a quarter of the way, with the weakest extension possible and then disappeared.

I still feel pretty lousy but I'm pushing myself to carry on. The last thing I want to do is write or tell stories but maybe it is the best thing.

I never would have thought that The Closer had so much humour but it does G.W Bailey is a hilarious grump and Kyra Sedgwick does an amazing job as a clutz and foodie addict because she gets to counter that with a brilliant intuition.

Scandal is starting to remind me less of Leverage and more like the classic La Femme Nikita, the original series because of the main characters love interest.

Together, torn apart, together, betrayals, lies and working politics but in Nikita, Michael was always pulling away but in Scandal, Olivia retreats more frequently.

I'm on season 4 of Scandal and some things I just had an inkling about. Quinn and Huck/Charlie. There was something building but I don't like either pairing.

Huck is besotted with his family, I think he and Quinn mistook friendship for something intimate. Charlie is okay but not trustworthy.

I don't think he would stay loyal. Quinn wasn't the least bit jealous when he was awkwardly flirting on the decoy date lol with another woman ha!!

An interesting pair would be Jake and Quinn because they seem lost but devoted and reliable.

Olivia and Jake, she has just been using him since the beginning, I mean superficially she cares but she's not in love with him, has never said the words, again confusing friendship with love.

I hate shows that make me root for infidelity but Olivia and Fitz are actually in love and are egomaniacs that are better suited together.

Everyone else just takes a back seat to their feelings for each other.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D