Tuesday 24 May 2022

#BlogLife277 - Men never over apologise, why the hell should we??

Us girls grow up being taught to respect others and be patient, listen and forgive and understand. It's drilled into us to make allowances and to showcase good manners and be polite.

I'm not sure if men are taught the same thing because you don't find men, apologising over and over and feeling guilty for a genuine mistake.

They don't seem to beat themselves up and analyze where it all went wrong and how it should have proceeded differently, they instantly move on, at least in my case, but we do.

Even if we are being shouted at and it wasn't our fault, that conscience of ours, bothers us and we instinctively say "I'm sorry."

Then we get mad at ourselves in the same breath and show resentment. Why the hell did I just accept responsibility, make him feel better and show contrition???

I didn't do anything wrong or if I did, it was not out of spite, it was an accident and yet I'm being punished for this simple thing and I feel bad.

There are so many times where he makes an error and doesn't feel disturbed by it but shrugs it off. If I demand some sort of explanation or amends, it is begrudgingly given without any true feelings behind it.

It is maddening, the double standards. Men get away with murder, cause destruction and we women are left to tidy up and pick up the pieces.

Well time to change it around. If you must, own up and admit fault and then atone once but don't dare do it more than that.

You were/are brave. To hold your hand up and say, I did that and I admit I was careless but I will try my best to come up with a workaround.

Then move on, feel better, heal yourself and know that you're still a good person who isn't perfect but at least has the courage to do what's right and face the consequences, so don't let anyone tear you down for being fearless!


On a lighter note I saw the Galaxy Chunk Orange biscuits for a £1 a while ago but only recently tried them. I've always adored zest so I thought these would be ideal.

It actually is thick and full of flavour. I don't think it's overpowering, to me it has the right balance, not too sweet or bitter.

Very crunchy and a good size. It would rival hobnobs or digestives as a dunking treat. 

There is chocolate bits that cover the biscuit also, making it quite addictive. There was definitely more than 5 included, maybe 7 or 8 which is good value.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D