Monday, 3 February 2025

#BlogLife824 - Pfft Who did I think I was, an engineer? Boiler is really broken now!

After the 3 sec fault that I reset it seemed to be fine, I had a long day yesterday of smooth functionality.

But today feeling the radiator and running the water, nothing. Ugh I knew the fix was too easy.

This time it said f75, which relates to a definite big fault, a leak or water pressure or something, according to Googly.

I can't avoid calling the engineer. I can't remember if I report it to the landlord or call the engineer directly.

Ahh it's the landlord that automatically transfers me. Well it was a nice chap that said the callout would be within 24 hours.

I don't know if it will be today or tomorrow but you know what, before they even asked I stated I was chronically ill.

If this is the only perk, priority treatment, then I am taking advantage of it.

It's the weekend and I am too stressed out to eat. If I remember correctly, thet text when you're the next customer, which is nice.

I tidied a lil bit but it still seems a lil messy. Now I know why I was bloated and extra tired.

I started my cycle yesterday and it's already stopped. I really hope it's not major, where they have to order supplies and it's another waiting game.

It's early just before 12pm. Please let it be a fixable, short solution so I can relax.

I wonder if I made it worse by doing the home remedy? I probably should have just called them, instead of faffing about myself.

It's not a toaster, it's a complicated boiler. Oh well, what is done is done and I can't change it.

Oh yea today is the last day of the month, just called up to pay my rent and the £50 extra to decrease the mysterious arrears that pop up randomly.

Pfft! If it's not one thing, it's another and even with the blankie over me, I'm frozen.

Well at 2.40pm I got a text to say I'm next, they are on the way.

Gosh within a minute or so he turned up. I swear engineers, are like mechanics.

The first thing they do is tut, suck in a breath and make you freak out, that this is the biggest disaster in the world.

Yeesh! Frankly I left him to it, it was just banging and more banging and then about 10 or 15 minutes later, I heard the radiator doing the familiar click.

He said something about low pressure, I think I heard a pump going and then another 5 minutes later, 20 altogether, he shouted to say, all done.

It was healed. Crikey, that was so good to hear and so fast too. 

It will take a while to warm the place up but at least I can change and eat now.

I don't really know what I'm doing wrong, to have all these issues.

It's like it's not happy unless it's on 24-7. Yeesh talk about attention seeking appliances..

Again I'll just leave it on until about 8pm or 9pm to keep it smiling.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D