Tuesday, 18 February 2025

#LetterLife2 - Who likes Vampires?

I'm not a fan of the supernatural, ghosts, witches, vampires, the occult, I've written about this theme before.

It's not my cup of tea. I did enjoy the original show Charmed though, because of the relationship dynamic and the fact that I always wanted sisters.

Anyway what I actually mean by the title is, Who likes needy people?

Sounds a bit different now, doesn't it? Not as exciting as before. I've come across a great many of these in my life.

They latch on to me and instead of having a broader view of life and the world and exploring it.....

I'm the only focus of their attention. Now as an introvert, you might say, well aren't you like that?

Thank heavens No I'm not, I only relish small moments of time with people, the rest is exhausting to me.

Most of these people I've found are unhappy and dissatisfied but unwilling to change anything about their circumstances.

Instead it's me me me, text, text, call, call, message, message and always something to complain about or lash out about.

No, no, no, that becomes tedious and draining almost immediately.

But instead of doing something, starting with small changes, like finding a way to increase their social circle, get therapy, or find a real purpose for their existence, they cling on to anyone new that enters their life and whinge endlessly about how stuck they feel.

I quickly distance myself from this unhealthy alliance, it's not for me because in the end, before I cut them off for good and say Goodbye......

I impart some wisdom, the Truth Hurts comes in to play, maybe it will help, if they take it in and listen.

Probably not though but at least I tried before I ran screaming away for oxygen!

I can't remember the speech I give but it's probably like this..

Dear X Friend,

We need to have a lil talk, well actually, you just need to listen. I have tried my utmost best to be a good friend, be supportive but honest and it's not working out.

People come and go into our lives, that's normal but you cannot stick to them like glue and expect them to save you.

At some point you need to wake up and help yourself. I know this sounds harsh but it's for your own good.

I believe in tough love. Although I've not had therapy myself, I have worked damn hard to open up and explore my problems and heal myself.

You need to do the same because you're miserable and don't seem to have a purpose that brings you peace and joy.

We all need that. I know it's difficult to put yourself out there but you're not even attempting it.

Start small, you could go for daily walks, join some clubs, take up studying, further explore your interests and passions.

See what free activities are local or go to the Park or Galleries or anything that's available to you.

Do what I did, start volunteering and/or find a mentor in the field that you're hoping to break into.

Set yourself a daily goal, make it doable. Inspire yourself each day to be a better person.

Work out what makes you tick, what you can't live without doing?

For me it's simply writing, being a creator and even that took time but I kept trying and eventually it took.

It wasn't easy or straightforward, I was very frustrated and had no faith in myself but in the end, I knew it was important and I didn't give up.

I kept at it and it paid off. I urge you to do the same because in your current state of depression, you're driving people away.

No-one can fix you But you! Be brave and bold and surprise yourself by doing something about your situation, right now, start today.

And if you do it, forget about me or anyone else being proud that you stepped up..

You'll be immensely proud of yourself that you got up off the floor and changed for the better.

That's all I have to say, you've always known what to do, it's time to get on with it and if you can't manage it, then get assistance, get counselling or friends/family to aid you.

There is no shame in getting help if you need it. In fact it's courageous and commendable.

Goodbye and good luck.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D