Ugh I was hoping the knock on the door was the Postie, but no it was from the landlord, one of those Surveyors, actually 2, which unnerved me.
Talking about an appointment to look around, draw a map, take photographs.
I sooo hope they don't need to come into the bedroom, I cringe so hard, I just feel scared,
Male workers seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to make inappropriate comments or barge in and it freaks me out.
Umm nope, I need to tidy up first, put the laundry away. I told them to come back another time, I didn't know anything about it.
They took it well and said they will send me another meeting time and I'll deal with it then.
I finished the Eveline wash, it wasn't bad it was just tiny. Now I am onto the Fixderma.
It's a clear gel, smells nice and orangey, quite thick though and has beads, ugh, didn't realise that.
It washes off ok though considering the awkwardness and it does leave my face soft.
You do need a moisturiser afterwards, my skin feels pretty stripped.
The Glow wash and the tops I guess are still on the way. I finally decided to give the chocolate custard a try....
Hilarious, it's Ambrosia Ready chocolate custard pots, 2x 120g £1.60 I don't know if it was on offer.
The size is fine, the cost is a lil steep but the taste is nothing like custard at all, not even a lil bit.
It's just chocolate yoghurt, that's all it is. I thought it would be something cute and different to try but nope, false advertising.
I mean it was really creamy and tasty but not what it was supposed to be, so disappointed.
Now that the Neutrogena moisturiser is all used up, I am onto the Astral face cream.
It's a big tub, the price was expensive but it's quite a good size, thick and on the greasy side.
It smells nice too, generic perfumey but nice.
It's definitely a winter cream. It's what my face needs at the moment.
I might only use this once a day though. Oof I'm shattered. I checked through my old post I had forgotten to read and did find the appointment letter for the Surveyors, so not scammers trying to gain entry.
It's official from the landlord, I still don't see the point of it but I made my peace with it.
For safety reasons if they do need to see my bedroom, I will not be in the room.
I'm going to wait outside. It's just too much of a freak out, to have 2 grown men and me alone in a room, actually in my home.
I've been worrying nonstop and keep waking up fretting about it but it's mandatory so no choice.
I just hope it doesn't take an hour as predicted. I'm going to be in a lot of pain and tired from standing all that time.
I cannot to be seated with strangers roaming around nearby.
This is one of my worst nightmares but anyway, I'm going to try and keep it in perspective, they just have a job to do and I have to cope with it as best as I can.
I've made a start on tidying. I've mopped all the floors but my bedroom.
I'm exhausted. It's only 4.30pmish and I've eaten so I don't want to go back in the kitchen until it dries.
I have to wipe down the bath and sink, mop the bedroom floor, change the duvet, empty the bins.
Put away the washing and then I'm done. That can wait until tomorrow, I don't want to move.
I love that washing up scent, fruity, strawberries maybe? It's been 2 and a half hours, floors are still damp ugh, will leave them until morning now.
For touch-ups I normally get some old clothes or rags, wet it with hot water, bleach and just wipe around and that seems to be easier.
My body is not a fan of bending but it works better than the mop.
There's no sign of a new appointment. However the DWP bank consent form arrived, so I signed it and posted it today.
Come hell, what may.....
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