Monday 19 October 2020

Follow.It? Follow them? Follow me?

I had to chase up the Follow.It team regarding setting up my new email subscription and feed as they didn't get back to me. 

I went from talking to a human to conversing with a robotic representative. There is a difference between someone that loves their job and somone counting the hours and doing the bare minimum and limiting small talk.

They make the barest effort they can get away with and don't go into elaborate details about what it entails. The problem is, with someone like me. I get even more confused than before, which is exactly what happened.

He really didn't go into a valid explanation of my issues. Just said I have sorted out applying the code to your website on our side and apply.. to your website, but not where on the site.

When I explained my needs aka my preference that potential readers receive an email as soon as I've published something and only the bare minimum so that they are prompted to return to my site to finish reading the full article. 

He attached screenshots without instructions on how to alter these preferences.

Now that I have searched the site and perused the settings I am seeing red flags. Not once did he mention premium features compared to my basic free plan.

I think I am able to just show the headlines of the post and not the full thing. (Pity they didn't have an option to show the beginning).

On my Blogger settings, Site Feed, I changed it from Until Jump Break, to Short, to see if that helped stop readers seeing the whole post but I still don't know who ultimately controls these options, me or the reader??

Lastly I think it is a paid feature to get the emails as soon as they are published. When I tried to alter it. It said I wasn't allowed on my plan. Why did he not explain that? He just attached more screenshots..

In conclusion. I am certain that the email and feed are now completely ready for any regular or new visitors stopping by wanting to subscribe. It may not have turned out the way I wanted it too but it's installed.

I have been testing it and it is regular as clockwork in the evenings. I get the email and it is weirdly titled "New Message SleeplessScribbler." To me that is confusing. What do they call they the new comments?

That was such a headache. I don't want to go through that again.

If you wish to sign up, just go ahead and pop your email in and for the tweeters among you. My Twitter link is there also present with mini rambles.

Ps. After some time had passed I realised a few things. When I changed the settings on my blogger from *Until Jump Break* to *Short* it seemed to have the most impact and from receiving whole posts, it went to displaying a portion of them.

Also I suspect the reader chooses the method in which they are updated. Supposedly immediate if by rss subscription when I make a new post or once a day by email sign ups.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding and I hope to engage with you more. It would certainly  make my day :)


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D