Saturday 17 October 2020

Medium potential ban imminent

Another site bite's the dust. What am I on now seventh? Eighth? PointBlog, Anonyme, Tumblr, Blogger, LiveJournal, WordPress, Medium. Only Blogger has stuck. 

It's just that my audience is invisible and I am constantly trying to be discovered and find a place that I can not only feel comfortable blogging in but also a place where maybe my audience can relate to me more.

Maybe people outside of the UK don't get the references and so don't feel intrigued enough to engage whether it is following the blog(granted that isn't set up yet but hopefully sometime next week). 

Social media or commenting/tweeting/emailing but I'm just going to keep trying because I do post original content with a lot of heart and I deserve followers who are more engaging.

My confidence needs it. I constantly have to give myself these little pep talks and ego boosts just to carry on functioning every day. I have to combat all the negativity in my head, my relatives voices, ex boyfriends and ex friends.

If you think that is a simple task. It isn't. Funny I thought Medium would have had the curtesy to email me and let me know my account had been flagged but nope. They still let me upload until I read the message but I don't see the point. It's bound to be terminated.

I just want to feel like I belong, instead of standing on my tiptoes peering inside at all those successful people mingling and smiling. Ugh this is depressing.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D