Friday 3 September 2021

#BlogLife131 - Don't read my note! *Mature audiences only*

In my head I have this new story written out. I know what is and will happen. I know how to spice this tame tale up. I just cannot write it.

I have this mental block saying to myself. Really girl? This is not your medium, you are about the romance, not the boudoir action, ha!!

I have made it to chapter 3 and I like how it is unfolding but there is no heat whatsoever and I thought to myself. Hmm I never have been able to write something crude before.

Then I recalled back in school. I had a really flirty friend who was very touchy feely, just tame stuff but I guess for a plain girl who wasn't checked out at all, except for negatively, this was something..

I don't recall how it came about but he wrote me this salacious letter filled me lots of brazen details. I think I laughed and was surprised.

But then the big bombshell dropped. He wanted me to reciprocate it. I was this shy awkward girl who thought about intimate things but didn't vocalise it.

He bet me that I couldn't do it. Thought I was someone to be underestimated as usual. I rolled my eyes and thought don't trifle with me.

Somehow this challenge stirred something in me and I wrote this graphic letter full of specific details. I smugly handed it to him, although my face was probably red too.

Why I chose during English class to do it, I have no idea. I guess it's what kids do, mess around. My tutor however, saw this interruption and promptly snatched the letter away after he had read it.

I was mortified! Please let the ground open up and swallow me whole because this will totally ruin the prude reputation I have going for me.

I couldn't look the teacher in the eyes so I asked my friend, please tell me she binned it, without reading it. Please. She cringed as she said, erm, she read it!

Nooooooo! Why that note of all notes. She pulled me aside after class and said. I really wish you would put this much effort into your homework!

My face was beetroot as I walked off and then started laughing. I was so embarrassed and my cheeks are still flushed reminiscing.

However I managed to write it and it was easy so why can't I write it now?? The other problem with a short story that isn't, is that it's time consuming.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D