Tuesday 14 September 2021

#BlogLife138 - Listening or reading?

How is your weekend going? Getting a lot done or just saying... Hey S, this is me-time. I'm vegging out, that whole productive thing can be done during the week, got it?

Ooh touchy touchy, I was just asking :D I'm lounging here thinking about the upcoming 300th post again. I hit the milestone already technically.

But I deleted some posts because I wasn't feeling them. Now I know I have to do something special for you gals and guys following me (and the guests).

For the 100th BlogLife I did a voice snippet. Which was terrifying. I did get a thrill out of it and tonight while I was doing my pampering thing...

Face brush gliding on the skin. Heavenly. I recommend it. Just feels so good even for a few minutes to get that face massage and feel like a queen.

Plus if you pushed for time, it only takes about a minute or so unless you are really enjoyed the sensation. I find I still get the same results from a quick session, rather a longer one.

Anyway I digress.. I thought about what if I read a whole story. One of my originals, how about the one that I have yet to finish?

Or I could just read one of the fiction posts. I could even do one of the beauty ones.. I cannot decide at the minute. Is it a good idea or a bad one?

I mean it's not racy. It's probably more goofy at this point ha!! I mean could I do that? I don't know if there is a storage limit or how it would work, if I did it on wattpad?

Apparently you have paste the link from youtube which I am avoiding. I don't want just anyone listening to me. It's for my sweet beautiful readers.

I would still write out the complete story here but I guess there would be an added bonus of hearing it. I remember trying to listen to audios with the robotic voice and no pause for punctuation,

It was horrendous. It has probably improved greatly since then. It would be a new thing for me. A new challenge. It's the logistics that overwhelm me.

I am not a super technical person and I don't have fancy speakers just the laptop. It could be too much background static or unclear.

I just realised that I have forgotten how I did the voice clip. I don't even recall the site I used. I remember it was easy and simple to use.

I think I hit record and then save and probably download, then put it on google drive, customised it not to be downloadable or altered.

Then create the sharing link..... Hmm sounds straightforward but knowing me I'll just mess up the first go and have to re-do it. I'll be a voice over artist for the day ha!!


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D