Friday 10 September 2021

#BlogLife136 - Are you a thirsty commentator?

I'm just going to take YouTube as an example because I use that multiple times a day for music and my asmr subscriptions.

I like reading the regular comments, sometimes I miss things but good heavens the thirsty ones make me cringe. 

I mean some male/female artists actively play up to it and thrive on them while others are more polite but in different. 

Perhaps they feel with all the variety they need an edge? To get noticed and surge forwards? I know if it were me I'd leave comments disabled.

As much as I would crave feedback and general banter on my videos. The sleaze would infuriate and disgust me. 

If I had lovingly taken the time to pour my heart and create heartfelt soothing content, only to hear things like.. 

"Wow you're hot" 

"Your body is on fire" 

"I wish you were mine, please wear something tight" 

Instead of more natural responses like... 

"Thank you so much, that made sense. I feel soooo chilled." 


"I'm amazed at how you put those sounds together, it was like my brain was releasing all my tension" 

But it never changes and occasionally it puts me off adding my own spin, for fear it comes across as flirting or sleazy. Ickity!!!! 

To me it is just the opposite of showing appreciation. Its not a compliment. 

It's unsavoury. If you really want to show some support, then recognise the effort put in and highlight your favourite aspect of it but that's just how I think as someone passionate about their content... 

You may feel differently... 


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D