Tuesday, 11 May 2021

#BlogLife51 - The opposite to being supportive

*Clenches my fist and punches you right in the face*

What is wrong with you? Huh? What on earth makes you think I or anyone here wishes to hear that?

What do you get out of someone terminating the chat time and time again?

Is it amusing to be sick in the head? I can't say I share the joke!

Frankly it is more disturbing that you do. Get some help. I mean professional help. I truly mean, expensive, mortgage the house help.

I have to sit here and be polite. I have to pretend not to cringe when I hear certain phrases.

I have to close my eyes and beg for it to be something normal, instead of something weird.

I have to give you the benefit of the doubt. Even though my mind is screaming....

"For the love of music, please be freaking normal."

Is that why you persist? You think that.. You won't be reported? Think again dumbass!

I used to have qualms about hitting the *report* feature but not anymore.

Nobody should have to deal with somebody that makes them physically shudder and feel unclean.

I don't even want to go back on there or speak to another male ever again.

I don't know why I can't shake this off but for now. I will take a break.

*Kicks you in the nuts repeatedly*

The thing is, that by me staying away, some vulnerable people are going to feel worse than they do already.

They will assume, they have been abandoned again and I don't want that.

I made a promise and commitment to be there for them and I will.

Don't take care. Don't come back. Do not ever speak!


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D