Monday 24 May 2021

#BlogLife64 - When did women lose their self respect?

 *Sighs* Look I am aware that a lot of you have remained with your dignity and pride but too much of you have lost your damn minds!!

When exactly did you decide that any man was good enough, even if he treats you, like you are barely tolerable? When did you start seeing yourself as less than?

Men are never going to be my favourite people. I have been through too much. Sometimes I didn't call them out when they were treating me with contempt..

But I knew a lot of the time, it was a game. Let's see how easily, how quickly we can make her cry or burn with self loathing. I refused to play their game.

I did surprisingly stand up for myself a fair bit actually. When I look back. I hated confronting them and screaming but there was no way I was taking their insults.

I slapped them. I yelled at them. I cursed them out and I goaded them right back, pointing out their laughable characteristics. All of them, thought twice before doing it again.

They assumed they could get away with it because I was quiet and soft spoken. Wrong! I observe and scrutinise every damn word you say.

My question is for those that are being cheated on and verbally abused and treated inhumanly..... Why are you standing for it?

Worse still, why is he the hero and you are the unworthy one? When did you stop liking yourself? When did you give up and settle for trash?

"No no no no. You don't understand. Let me explain he is...."

I don't care what he is. My concern is you! Take a long look in the mirror. Replay all the hurtful evil things he has ever said to you.

Look at how your face changes. Why do you believe his untruthful words? They are lies, to keep you down and tied to him.

Go and write a list right now of all your best qualities and if you tell me, you can't think of any? I will slap you until you do. What do people admire about you?

Read the list and realise it is all correct. Those people see the real you. He doesn't. Now every day from now on, read or memorise the list and claim back your self worth!

I deserve respect

I am amazing

I have so many beautiful qualities to my personality

I am gorgeous

I am a great friend

I make people smile/laugh

I am kind and thoughtful and brave.

I love me and if I don't I will work on myself, until I do!


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D