Friday 3 February 2023

#BlogLife446 - Faux Thursday

I don't post on Friday's anymore but as I didn't publish anything yesterday I am bending my own rules and pretending today is Thursday.

Why did I neglect you all yesterday? It was nothing exciting that happened, I wasn't inundated with parcels, there wasn't a ton of unboxing, I didn't have any meetings to attend.

Quite simply I was just devoid of all energy. I slept a bit in the night but I kept waking up but not opening my eyes.

It was quite disruptive to the flow of sleep. I eventually scrambled out of bed at about 10/11am, although that was a big struggle.

I had some delicious soft rolls. the last of them actually, I'll do another shop at the weekend for Iceland or Ocado as my snacks are done too.

Then I just found myself watching something and feeling that sometime soon I would nap, nothing unusual there.

Except the more I slept, the less rested I felt. I wasn't poorly or stiff, I was just drained.

I wanted to write something but there were snippets of thoughts that passed by that didn't have enough material to them.

Dic brought forth next week's meeting to today (Friday) and I was hoping for peace but I'll just go in the morning and ignore his call to check up on me and finish it quickly.

I did watch the first episode of Velma, she was always my favourite, as an oddball outcast, who was snarky.

I like Mindy Kaling as well but I don't see why they had to completely just change the characters, it ruined it for me.

As though it was trying to be clever and edgy and it failed miserably.

I kinda wish they had brought her in as Velma's sister, doppelganger, new bestie or something like that.

They turned Fred into a big baby. Shaggy from a food lover into a workaholic.

Daphne was always shallow and that hasn't changed. Scooby didn't make the cut for whatever reason, I can live with that but he made it more humorous and softer.

I also got into The Secret Life Of Amy Bensen. I'm waiting for episode 6 to air.

It's about a mystery girl on the run and she accidentally or purposely meets a rich guy who is all kinds of obsessive/possessive controlling.

It's interesting because I don't know if he's a good or bad guy but he's way over the top.

I manage to keep the stress at bay, when I'm binge watching a show so I try to watch something old or new, just to relax me and switch off for a while.

I have a head full of curlers at the moment and my sushi is on it's way, I'm getting addicted to that stuff.

Apparently it's the sauces that make it somewhat unhealthy and I don't tend to use those anyway.

I did try out the purple lip gloss, sadly although it does suit me. It's not what I was hoping for.

Making on caucasians it's darker but on me, it just seems more red, than plum purple and that's just standard, that's not remotely different or outstanding.

Dic called me twice to check up on me and I ignored both his calls bahaha.

When I got there to inform him I was there, the idiot didn't pick up but he was standing right next to the receptionist.

So basically the petty idiot, just blatantly refused to take my call and I rolled my eyes and dialled the reception to let him know I was downstairs and then he took the phone and said great.

I wait for him to come down and then he says, oh I have to go up and come down again.

Why the hell don't you just get everything and hand it over, twit!!! But at least it's over and I'm home, exhausted, stiff, famished but home.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D