Thursday 30 December 2021

#BlogLife184 - Bah humbug, just kidding Merry Christmas readers :D

Happy holidays to each and every one of you and I hope you are enjoying time away. Just relax and do your own unique thing.

Sorry I've been kinda quiet. I arrived safe and sound and the cab driver was a funny, chatty guy so no panic attacks while travelling and he made it easier.

Not helpful with the massage case bag, the laptop bag, the overnight bag, my handbag... But they sometimes brag the same thing..

Oh I usually help, blah blah blah.... Yea right, no tip for you. Actually the tip is..... Get off your arse and assist!!

Moving on, I'm settled in and didn't forget anything, like I usually do but I haven't been sleeping at all until now and that leaves me quite un-creative and annoyed.

Plus all these pmt symptoms even though I've finished for the month, still feeling dizzy, sickly and uncomfortably bloated so just tired and icky really.

Which means no posts for you and a million ways to try and relax for me.

No dramas yet but the family impromptly arrives tonight or tomorrow, so watch the space because I am in no mood for the bs express.

I overloaded the bags because I had extra stuff for mama and the person who shall not be mentioned. Obligatory gifts... Pfft.

I don't usually walk with my cordless shiatsu heated massager but at home I can sprawl out and write and shift positions to a nicer one, here my body is upright on a chair/sofa and it locks up painfully....

Thus applying massage and heat helps relax the tense muscles and then I don't feel so miserable and crippled in pain.

Sometimes it's just weird being outside of my home and remembering. Ooh I need this, that or the other or I am screaming in agony..

We haven't exchanged the gifts yet and I am not really fussed. I keep having this story idea in my head. 

Actually there are quite a few waiting to be written but I don't have it in me. Need more sleep for that to happen.

I'll post these at some point but not yet.

If you are wondering what I received for gifts? Cash. cash and Beats headphones in a flashy red shade with a cute baby pouch to keep them in.


InvisiblyMe said...

“Actually the tip is..... Get off your arse and assist!!” That’s a great tip, and given for free! 😂

I like the sound of flashy red headphones, cool. What's not cool is being somewhere you're more uncomfortable and don't have the same resources and routines in place to help. I would struggle big time having to stay mostly on a sofa. I have to have my legs up and cushions, so without a foot rest it's a total no no. But my back would lock up too, dislocating shoulders would get worse, pain around my neck, joints getting worse in empathy. Eugh, I can feel the impact already.

I hope you can have a decent time with family though, if that's possible. I'm not sure how things are with them but I hope you get through it, that there are no issues and that you can find some enjoyment in it. At the very least, getting back to your comfort zone at the end of it will be absolutely blissful!

Take good care of yourself,
Caz x

SS said...

Thanks Caz, for taking the time to read and comment. It was a big highlight for me. I wish I could reply directly to you on here but not sure how to do that.

I appreciate the well wishes too. It's not bad here, just emotionally crippling. The next few posts will let me vent it out.

I hope you manage to get some rest and enjoy yourself too. Chronic pain is a demanding beast!!

Happy New Year and may it be less emotionally/physically taxing for us all :)

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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D