Tuesday 15 March 2022

#BlogLife230 - Stripper hold music

I have never heard stripper music while on hold, waiting to make a payment before, that has to be a first.

The first time I listened to it, I burst out laughing. I guess they want to diffuse the tempers about being kept waiting but actually it wasn't that long.

I hate being in debt and although it's nice when my balance is full and bursting, I would rather it be halfway or less and my outstanding bills all be paid.

I grew up with people that encouraged me to take out credit cards and charge this and that payment, when they couldn't afford it outright and then struggled later on to pay the interest.

I just didn't want to be like that at all. I always tried to be cautious and budget properly. Of course there were times when I splurged and was careless.

Phone bills gabbing away or clothes that seemed to be a good investment for a long time. Generally though I was sensible and still am.

It's too easy to get caught up in a spending cycle. Everything seems necessary and important but when I step back. I realise.. Hmm this seems too much of a luxury item.

My carefree spending is probably foodie treats, some clothes, makeup at times, good quality bed linen and hair accessories.

I like cute things but I would never go ga ga because of a designer label. I zero in on the style.


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