Thursday 20 April 2023

#BlogLife490 - I'm not here

Song of the day - Biggie Irie - Pretty Eyez

Ugh it feels like I'm never going to finish this period, like I'm going to be bleeding forever.

Now that I've tried them all, I stand by my initial assessment. I can only recommend Kotex maxi pads and Always night maxi towels.

They will give you true peace of mind, indoors, outdoors and during the night.

Everything else lies about protecting you, they shift or leak and no woman or girl wants to be fretting about stains.

I can't remember if I've mentioned this or not but I've never tried tampons and I can't see myself investing in them.

I'm totally uncomfortable with the thought of inserting them and now with the way my body is, the increased pain and sensitivities... I don't think it would be a good idea.

The messiness of it and the frequent changing. I always felt like they were for females that had lighter flows and didn't occasionally clot.

That's not me at all, although my cycle varies, I cannot predict one period from the next.

I would still have to wear a pad for safety so what would be the point of it?

As an individual, you decide what suits you best but all the thin ones seem more like liners than substantial pads.

Yesterday and today I haven't wanted to get out of bed. These multiple periods are affecting my body and mind.

I'm still on a hiatus from the randoms. I'm still enjoying the period dramas but I can't take another scene with a woman being assaulted.

It's too triggery. It would be fun to write a costume drama like that but I could never do it justice.

I know that I have to stop comparing myself to others, real writers, that I should accept I have a voice of my own but it's daunting still.

Grr typical Ocado Zoom sent me a £10 off voucher but valid for today only.

I would have to spend £30 which is a lot but who the hell grocery shops, two days in a row???


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D