Monday 10 June 2024

#BlogLife701 - Period jinx

Ugh I felt really unsteady on my feet randomly throughout the day and I wasn't sure why..

But after three glorious months without a period I came on yesterday. I feel like I jinxed myself ha.

Then this morning, nothing but the nausea is still present so I'm not sure what will happen.

I got a foodie review for you, as what I'm trying to do is sample different products so that my tum tum doesn't get fed up.

Or items that I haven't had in ages, as I'm trying not to waste food but I have stuff in the freezer that has no earthly appeal whatsoever.

Golden Wonder have these tomatoey based crisps that I had been seeing for a while and I don't like tomatoes but I like the flavouring, just the same as mushrooms.

Somehow blended it's more palatable to me. I've only been craving ready salted but I've always loved the Wheat Crunchies tomato crisps so thought I would give Tangy Toms a try.

It's a lil on the salty side and it's similar to wotsits but a rounder version and crunchier, they are lovely, but tiny so not that filling as a snack.

It's not ridiculously tart just a teensy bit which just makes it different or similar to the Wheat Crunchies actually.

The story that can't be transitioned into a written tale is still plaguing me. It's just moving along all cute and interesting.

But it's too similar to others so it wouldn't work as a standalone fiction piece. It doesn't have enough of a plot.

I'm on maybe my 3rd or 4th sparring match with a Scrabble opponent and they always start off well, a few anyway..

But then they typically annoy me with lazy no effort turns. This one plays really quickly and expects you to drop everything and do the same, night or day..

At first I thought he was a bot lol. He started doing long words, clever plays with high scores but now he is infuriating as he's overlapping all the sodding words so the board shrinks and there is no way to be creative.

I feel like I will block him soon, it becomes less fun and more tedious.

Why do people start off challenging you and then give up?? Who says you have to play immediately or when you're not in the mood?

Take your fricking time and make it enjoyable for yourself and your rival!!


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D