Thursday 27 June 2024

#BlogLife712 - My body is rejecting summer

I'm still feeling under the weather, all day cramps, my stomach won't settle and standing just makes me feel weaker.

But I saw the proper pens that I wanted in some cute colours, I opted for purple and a light violet, Stabilo 2x £4.27, not cheap but they look fun to use.

It seems like purple ink is rare, I see the ballpoint pens but that's not appealing, they don't work properly, I want the proper inky ones.

I just got word about the cleanser, that I'll probably get a refund soon as it hasn't arrived, it's lost in the post or the neighbours have it.

Either way later on, I will look for a replacement. This is the time, where a nap would help but I don't feel tired enough, my brain is gabbing away say write write write, I've lots to say ha.

The randoms are kinda getting on my nerves a bit, it's like they just want everything to be perfect.

A few ghosted me but seemed transfixed by my company, I don't understand that, if you're bored, then why chase me??

And some I wish would read between the lines, instead of only thinking about themselves, and their needs.

There's always a reason why I say certain things, why I act stand-offish, maybe try to understand and accept it, instead of pushing pushing pushing.

One of them TA, has a nasty lil habit of disappearing without a goodbye so I turned the tables on him last night and just blanked the last of his messages.

I was thinking, this is sooo petty of me, but he doesn't hold a grudge and there was another reason I did it.

He was being really flirty and I just wasn't in the mood, the heat was intolerable, my body was tired and no matter how many times I told him, he ignored me.

So revenge was pretty sweet and I didn't feel guilty. Ooh that was quick, the refund came through, so no wasted money.

The oil is definitely all out of my hair now, it's back to looking and feeling normal, more lifted.

TA approached me last night and said You fell asleep right? And I was honest and said No I was teaching you a lesson about manners.

I ignored you on purpose so he was taken aback but seem to realise my point initially.

There was no anger but as the night wore on, he was severely delayed in replying and became offended with everything I said.

Passive aggressive, I suppose was his stance so I accused him of acting like it was his time of the month.

I just left without a goodbye again, I don't have time for nonsense.

If you're annoyed, just spit it out and then we can mend fences, otherwise there is just no point.

Ugh I was hoping it would be a phantom period but nope, came on again for the 3rd time this month.

My body is just all over the place, with the pains and tiredness. I really hope I skip July and have a break.

It's already stopped but it's unpredictable and the bloatedness is really bad.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D