Tuesday 25 June 2024

#BlogLife710 - I can barely stand

I don't know what the hell is happening to me. Yet again the period is finished and yet I feel as bloated, crampy and sicky as ever.

I just went to make breakfast and I fell like I was going to collapse again.

I feel like there is no moisture inside my body at all, like I'm drained, I drink enough, I'm sure I do.

But my stomach is hardcore cramping and I feel so weak. I'm not starving myself, I'm eating and drinking regularly, apart from that one day where I just nibbled a bit.

I've got two bottles of drinks to sip on as I don't feel like getting up, anytime soon.

I should have got more orange juice, I felt lifted, drinking that. I'll see how I feel today or tomorrow and if it's the same will do an Ocado or maybe Onestop shop.

Ugh pmt and whatever this is.....Will it ever end???

It's Sunday evening now and the worst has passed, I still feel as though I'm in a desert in the mornings but I'm okay now.

I decided to do the hair oils just to forget about everything. I'm using the Castor first and it smells divine, kinda sweet.

I didn't pre heat the oil, I'm just not feeling well enough to go back and forth too much.

I poured a generous amount out actually more than I thought but as soon as it hit my hair, it was like it evaporated.

It's so strange, as though my hair was thirsty and it just absorbed it fully.

I was tempted to add more but I'm not sure yet how it will rinse out.

I massaged it into my scalp and ends. It doesn't look too greasy, as I feel it.

I'm letting the bath run so maybe in 10 minutes I will wash it out and see how it feels.

I thought it would way more greasy actually, maybe it's the sign of a high quality oil??

On Tuesday I might use the other one and compare. Holy moly I've just felt my hair and it's really not that oily.

It really does seem to penetrate deeply, that's astounding to me. Oh maybe I'm comparing it to when I used to use the olive oil ha.

That was a mess!! I experimented a lot with my hair. I can see now why they recommend a generous application.

But again I still need to see if afterwards, there is no volume and how the texture is, will it be limp, will it still feel unwashed and dirty?

I have so many questions ha!! Alright the lukewarm bath is ready, going to get my body temperature down.

Will report back when my hair is damp and then dry. I think it's been about 10 minutes and that's enough for me.

Initial impressions were that it seemed standard to rinse it out, what I noticed was that the conditioner and shampoo seemed way more frothy, easily so, which is unusual.

That was nice, my hair is wet and I can't really tell if it's still oily.

It's wrapped in a towel, I sprayed my Mane N Tail leave in conditioner, I want to leave it warm and compressed for a while yet.

I can tell my hair is still wet anyway but I feel refreshed and I was thinking, if it's not clean.

I will re-wash it on Tuesday and see. Oh my the results are in..

My hair looks and feels soooo soft, so playable and not the least bit greasy. It washed out completely, I am so happy.

It's like it's styling itself, the ends are flicking out naturally. The only downside I can see, is that it definitely looks flatter.

The volume is gone but it's not completely dry yet. It feels really good, my scalp feels hydrated but I'm not sure if I would do this treatment and go out.

I hate having lifeless hair, maybe I used too much oil? That is the problem having combination hair, not many products are beneficial.

I'm glad I tried it out, it was a mistake but a fun one. It's now Monday morning, well afternoon.

And my hair is less softer, it appears oily but feels normal with very lil volume.

I'm going to re-wash it tomorrow and I'm not sure about using any hair oil as I'm going to the Market and will see if I can get my Kotex pads as Iceland ran out of Always.

Shoot I knew there was a reason I went to the Market, not just to pick up fizzy drinks, the nausea has returned.

But also the sanitary towels, Oh well. One thing I forgot to mention for a long while now..

Maybe since I've had really short hair, when I'm combing through or styling it with my hands, because I look like a punk rocker when the hair towel is removed...

I kid you not, my hair stands up as though I've had a big shock, ha!

Then I just press it down and navigate it to the left and right and boom done, aside brushing up the back flicks.

Anyway when I'm doing this, no clumps of hair, or any strands come out.

There is a tiny amount of shedding as for some reason I see it on my laptop or pillow but nowhere near the mass it used to fall out.

I'm glad about that. My hair could probably be trimmed again, easily.

And this is all without the multivitamins. Just regular haircuts, good quality products and no longer braiding or tying my hair up as it's too darn short for that, woop.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D