Thursday 10 June 2021

#BlogLife75 - Finally believing in myself

I guess with all the changes this year I am starting to feel a lot different about myself. I have spoken to people from all alternative walks of life with different issues and ego levels.

I do have confidence but not as much as I thought I had. Through being dedicated with the writing, the books and the Supporter role..

I just feel like before I was saying Yes I can do this outwardly but inside I was saying You really cannot. Face the facts. I needed to challenge myself and my inner perception to rediscover myself.

I can have these interactions and nod and quietly think to myself, been there, felt that but I no longer have those negative emotions plaguing me.

I am not saying I am completely cured and feel marvellous 24-7 because I do not. I am realising that despite not truly thinking I can do anything right or succeed, I still went ahead and tried.

I was so apprehensive about adding another failure on to my dossier that I wanted to back out and almost talked myself out of it but I persisted and followed through and held my breath and then I surprised myself.

I had setbacks and road blocks and half of me wanting to go the easy route and give up again and the other half was saying, listen you have gone so far. 

I am so proud of you for going out of your comfort zone. It wasn't easy at all and the daily ignored boundaries are a nightmare to navigate but you are rocking this, just hang in there, you'll see it will get easier.

I also took the plunge yesterday and added myself to a current UK Blogger list that I saw ages ago but didn't quite have the guts to add myself too.

I just thought it was time now and although it took all day to find an image as my blog doesn't have any to use as a thumbnail. I found something, not quite what I hoped but it was stunning.

Hopefully that will help me get more noticed/followed. I also get some unexpected recognition as one of the top ten supporters for taking on the highest number of chats.

News to me, I thought I was skiving lol but sweet to hear nonetheless :)


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D