Wednesday 23 June 2021

#BlogLife84 - Wake Up!!

Admittedly I am stressed out and hormonal but I still thought I would be okay taking some conversations but these took the cake..

I can only talk about one as the alternate was in the Supporter category but the other took the biscuit...

He starts off impolite demanding information from me and I am in a generous forgiving mood so I address him and say that is not how you speak to me.

You give a warm greeting like hello, how are you? He apologises and tries again and then he keeps saying little things and when I correct him he uses the same word about me...

You are arrogant. I just assumed he was kidding around. I pointed out that he was the one that sounded cocky because of all the bits of information he shared and then he denied it.

I can be a lil overbearing at times. I can confess to that. Then he out of the blue told me that he saw a man trying on makeup in a store and he shouted at him to cease.

Who the hell has the audacity to do that??? What business is it of yours?? Who made you lord of the universe??

The guy is probably nervous and feeling all sorts of guilt or shame for doing what he finds natural or happy and then a complete stranger makes him feel worse??

The guy I was speaking to, told me I was wrong about him, that he was correct in confronting the man and making him stop and that he got thanked afterwards.

I just kinda wanted to slap him. The victim in question was probably embarrassed and scared. If someone is angry enough to seek you out, what else are you going to say?

Shut the hell up? Sure if you are confidant, you probably would. However if you feel conflicted and that you are a bad person, then you would accept criticism because you feel you deserve it.

Once I realised that he actually was a fully fledged buffoon. I walked away. I realised that, this is another male animal that doesn't like confident women who speak their minds.

He abhors females that will stand up for themselves and challenge opinions like I did. So sorry that you are used to being looked up to by brainless women.

But the rest of us are real and will call you out on your idiocy!! I welcome someone having a different point of view but if in your mind, no-one else's voice carries weight....

Then get out of my sight! It would have helped your case had you been even a tiny bit credible but you kept opening your mouth and garbage was pouring out.

What a waste of a human being and as for the others..

The thing about me is.... I don't talk that much but I listen exceptionally well. People spill and spill and spill their guts and contradict themselves.

I feel guilty because I know they aren't happy at that moment but I just don't feel like talking in circles.

Like me or hate me but I strive to improve your mood. I will ask you tough questions and give you cruel-to-be-kind answers because you need a kick up the butt!

Some people are more fragile than others and I treat them differently of course. Others test my patience.

Hi I am S and I'll support you. Notice I did not say, Hi I am perfect and I have all the answers. I do not!!!

Stop treating me like I am a magician who can fix your life. Only you can do that. Take some responsibility. Grow up and do something about it.

I can listen, I can be there, I can support you and give you ideas about where to start. I cannot waltz into your life and make you whole!

For all those that are not ready to be helped or refuse help, why are you wasting my time??

Contrary to popular belief I have other things to do. I don't see you handing me a big cheque to be there for you endlessly.

My time is precious. You are not my life, my reason for waking up. You are just a mere second of it.

I don't owe you my time but I happily share it, that is why I choose to do it.

I will never let you lie to yourself or me. It is your turn to do the hard work and look internally and see what needs to be focused on.

Isn't that why you are here??? If not, happy wallowing in your unhappiness.

I will be moving on to the next one and making them feel stronger and ready to take on the world and achieve all their goals.

Don't waste your time and convince me you're happy. It is more than obvious to everyone that you are not.

You are only hurting yourself and your time is up!

Ps if you think I am one of those robotic listeners that will just agree with you and accept your reasons for being dickish, then you are in for a rude awakening.

I never do that. I have my own deductions for why you are behaving this way and I will make sure you are accountable.

Just because you think you are flawless and the greatest thing on earth, doesn't make it true!!

Open your eyes, turns out, you are just as mortal as I am!


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D