Thursday 24 June 2021

#BlogLife85 - Neighbours from hell Update

Good morning all,

I hope your weekend was better rested than mine was. I did manage to get more sleep than usual but I am under stress from a new source at the moment.

This weekend I received this unpleasant letter from the council asking me to remove non recyclable materials from the green bin.

Else I would receive an £80 fine. I would hold my hand up and step forward embarrassed but guilty if I was the one doing something wrong..

However it is one of my neighbours that has actually been the miscreant. I tried to call up and sort it out but there was no way to do that as the option did not present itself.

Instead I saw an email address and used that to address the complaint and explain my side of the situation, acknowledging the letter and my frustrations.

Who knows how long it will take to get a reply or if they will just say.....

Madam......Remove it yourself!

I'm not going to do that. Who would willingly rummage around  in someone else's garbage? My hands are really delicate at the moment and I'm not going to strain them further.

I am worried about the possible fine though. I have had some big bills and this would just add to the expense.

I am not sure what else to do so I shall wait and see what develops and update this post later.

I guess the worst case scenario is paying the whole fine or even a portion, the best case is that the neighbour owns up and removes it themselves.

Otherwise I can see the fine being split up. As how would they prove who was the guilty party? 

I am pleased to say that the neighbour stepped up and fixed the problem. I didn't get a reply back but the bins were emptied routinely without further fuss.

I am so relieved as this what weighing on my mind. I don't need further headaches as I have expenses and other matters to do deal with..

Actually I was mistaken. The recycle bin has not actually been emptied and noone has owned up, however I heard back from the council and they actually apologised...

For causing me stress. They have acknowledged my innocence and told me that I am in the clear and will not have to pay any fines or be in trouble, in any way at all.

I can exhale now officially now that I know I am off the hook. I really was panicking but that is one less thing to occupy me. Phewwww and woohoooo :D


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D